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#hmwyda wishlist
O'zbekistonda so'nggi 5 yil ichida juda ko'plab sohalarda islohotlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Yaxshi tomonga bo'lgan o'zgarishlar ancha ko'zga tashlanmoqda. So'z erkinligi va media sohalaridagi o'zgarish fuqarolarning siyosiy pozitsiyalarini ancha mustahkamlamoqda. Odamlarda yurt kelajagiga bo'lgan ishonch ancha ortgan. Lekin kichkina kamchiliklar uchrab turadi.
Over the past five years, reforms have been carried out in Uzbekistan in many areas. The changes for the better have become more noticeable. Changes in freedom of speech and the media significantly strengthen the political positions of citizens. People have more confidence in the future of the country. But there are still some shortcomings.
Amirxon Umarov (5%)
1.1 Uning televidiniyadagi chiqishlari odam tabini xira qiladi. Xalqning dolzarb muammolarini ommaga taqdim qilish maqsadida oddiy odam niqobi ostidagi aktyorlardan foydalanadi....
#hmwyda wishlist
O'zbekistonda so'nggi 5 yil ichida juda ko'plab sohalarda islohotlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Yaxshi tomonga bo'lgan o'zgarishlar ancha ko'zga tashlanmoqda. So'z erkinligi va media sohalaridagi o'zgarish fuqarolarning siyosiy pozitsiyalarini ancha mustahkamlamoqda. Odamlarda yurt kelajagiga bo'lgan ishonch ancha ortgan. Lekin kichkina kamchiliklar uchrab turadi.
Over the past five years, reforms have been carried out in Uzbekistan in many areas. The changes for the better have become more noticeable. Changes in freedom of speech and the media significantly strengthen the political positions of citizens. People have more confidence in the future of the country. But there are still some shortcomings.
Amirxon Umarov (5%)
1.1 Uning televidiniyadagi chiqishlari odam tabini xira qiladi. Xalqning dolzarb muammolarini ommaga taqdim qilish maqsadida oddiy odam niqobi ostidagi aktyorlardan foydalanadi. Uni xalq manfaatlari yoki faravonligi qiziqtirmaydi, uning asosiy maqsadi ko‘rsatuvining reytingi va mashxurlik xolos. Eng achinarlisi hozirda bu ko‘rsatuvning homiylari va reytinglari juda baland va internet tarmoqlarida bu ko‘rsatuv juda ko‘plab tomoshabin yig‘a oladi. Lekin bu masxaraqbozlik va ko‘zbo‘yamachilikdan boshqa narsa emas.
1.2 His TV shows make people ugly. To expose to the public the pressing problems of ordinary people, he invites masked actors. He does not live by the interests and well-being of people; his main goal is only the rating of the program and popularity. Unfortunately, now the program has a high rating and good sponsors, as well as a large audience on the Internet. But this is nothing more than a joke and a prank.
Jahongir Otajonov (5%)
2.1 Bu sanatkor ham yuqorida aytib o‘tilgan xarakterlardan mustasno emas. Uning ham asosiy maqsadi mashxurlik, pul va homiylarning unga bo‘lgan qiziqishlari. Boshqa san`atkorlar bilan qiladigan so‘z o‘yinlari, ularni yerga urish va hech bir san`atkorni tan olmaslik qabilidagi chiqishlari aynan piar va trendda bo‘lish uchundir. San`atni tark etishi, boshqa sohaga e`tibor qaratishi va yana san`atga qaytish orqali u yanada o‘zining reytinglarini ko‘tarib olayapti.
2.2 This artist is no exception. His main goals are fame, money and sponsorship. His word games with other artists, humiliation and not recognizing any artists, are all about popularity and being trendy. By leaving the arts, focusing on another field, and returning to the arts, he is raising his ratings even higher.
Nurmat Otabekov (7%)
3.1 Bu inson vrach bo‘lib ishlaydi va bemorlarga qo‘pol munosabatda bo‘ladi. Chunki uning asosiy ishi shifokorlik emas. Uning asosiy ishi biznes bo‘lib, shifokorlikni xuddiki biznesga va u yerda bo‘layotgan ishlarga aloqasi yo‘qdek tutish uchun qo‘llaydi. Aslida atrofdagi hamma bu brend va mahsulotlar aynan shu “shifokorga” tegishli ekanligini biladi. Shifokorlikga o‘qigani bilan uning omadi aynan biznesda chopmoqda va unga boylik keltirmoqda.
3.2 This person works as a doctor, but treats patients rudely. Because his main activity is not medical, but entrepreneurial. His job is business; he pretends that he has nothing to do with drugs, and that he also allegedly does not know what is happening there. Although everyone around is aware that this product and this brand is his own. Although he studied medicine, his business became especially successful, and that made him rich.
Zarina Nizomutdinova (3%)
4.1 Bu aktrisa filmdagi rollari bilan emas plastik jarrohlik operatsiyalar qildirishi bilan mashxurroq. Albatta o‘lib bo‘lgan o‘zbek kinosida faqat film bilangina trendda bo‘lish va shuhrat qozonish qiyin masala. Balki u shuning uchun ham bu yo‘ldan foydalanar. Tabiiylik deyarli yo‘qolib bo‘lgan u esa haligacha operatsiya qildirganini tan olmaslik bilan ovora.
4.2 This actress is more famous not for her movie roles, but for the plastic surgery she underwent. Although it must be admitted that Uzbek cinema is almost dead, it is very difficult to remain in the spotlight and become famous only thanks to films. Perhaps that's why she chose this path to fame. There is no trace of natural beauty, and she is trying to deny the fact of plastic surgery.
Jahongir Artikxodjaev (7%)
5.1 Toshkent shahrida hammamizga ma`lumki bir insonga tegishli brendlar deyarli butun shaharni egallagan. Bu muvaffaqiyatli biznes rejasi samarasimi yoki monopoliya. Chunki bu brendlar viloyatlarda bunchalik ham keng tarqalmagan. Aynan Toshkent shahri hududida qudrati juda katta. Chunki uning yashash hududi va vakolat doirasi aynan Toshkent shahri bilan chegaralangan. Nima bo‘lgan taqdirda ham sof raqobat bor joyda o‘sish, taraqqiyot bo‘ladi. Monopoliya faqatgina zararga ishlaydi va boshqa brendlarning zavolga yuz tutishiga olib keladi.
5.2 Everyone in Tashkent knows that the brands that cover almost the entire city belong to one person, Jakhongir Artykhodzhaev. It is either the result of a successful business plan or a monopoly. In the regions, this brand is not so widespread. Only on the territory of Tashkent his power is enormous because his sphere of influence is limited to the city of Tashkent. In any case, if there is a healthy competition, there is growth and development. Monopoly is the detriment of everyone and leads to the decline of other brands.
Vadim Abramov (5%)
6.1 O‘zbekistonda futbol zavolga yuz tutib borayotgani hech kimga sir emas. Bu ba`zi odamlarning talantlarni qurbon qilayotgani bilan ham bog‘liq. Chunki qaysidir agent murabbiylar jamoaning foydasini emas, ma`lum bir futbolchini ommaga mashxur qilib chet el klubiga sotish orqali momaygina daromadni o‘ylaydilar. Bunday murabbiylardan biri yaqindagina O‘zbekiston milliy terma jamoasidan iste`foga chiqarildi. Uning tushunib bo‘lmas bahonalari va qilgan ishlari, masalan:hal qiluvchi o‘yinlarda terma jamoa safida umuman maydonga tushmagan o‘yinchini asosiy tarkibda o‘ynatib “reklama” qilishi aynan agentlik vazifasidan dalolat.
6.2 It's no secret that football in Uzbekistan is declining. One of the reasons is that talents are sacrificed. Because some coaches and agents, such as Vadim Abramov, do not think about the benefits for the team, but about receiving benefits from the sale of a player to a foreign club. One such coach recently left the Uzbekistan national team.
Samvel Babayan (5%)
7.1 Bunday insonlardan yana biri 2018-yilgi Jahon chempionatidan o‘zbek xalqini mosuva qilgandi. Uning qilgan tanish-bilishchiliklari deyarli hammaga ma`lum bo‘lib ulgurdi va barchaning mundialga bo‘lgan umidlarini so‘ndirdi. Chunki darvozada necha yillardan beri turib kelayotgan ishonchli darvozabonni termaga chaqirmay turib o‘zining “shogirdini” bu pozitsiyaga qo‘yish va ko‘plab qo‘pol xatolarga yo‘l qo‘yishini jimgina kuzatib turishini boshqacha izohlab bo‘lmaydi.
7.2 Another similar character in 2018, “tried” to disqualify the Uzbek team from the 2018 World Cup. The patronage and nepotism of Samvel Babayan were known to everyone and dashed all hope at the World Championship. How can you explain that without releasing an experienced and reliable goalkeeper on the field, who has been at the goal for many years, putting his “student” in this position, who made a number of gross mistakes, he simply silently watched all this.
Bobur Akmalov (7%)
8.1 Bu jurnalist maqolalarining kattagina qismi siyosatni tanqid qilishga qaratilgan. Sof tanqid emas, aynan qaysidir davlat siyosatidan parallel keltirgan holda “bu davlatda bunday, bizda esa unday emas, demak bizniki yomon ularniki to‘g‘ri” degan ma`noni beruvchi mavzular juda ko‘p. Jurnalist maddoh bo‘lmasligi kerak lekin aynan bir davlat siyosatini maqtayverish jurnalist uchun to‘g‘ri emas. Chunki shunday insonlar ko‘payib ketgani bois biz bir davrlar o‘z mustaqilligimizni yo‘qotganmiz.
8.2 Most of the articles by journalist Bobur Akmalov are aimed at criticizing politics. Not real criticism, but in the interests of the policy of a particular state. Parallels are always drawn like that: “in this state it is like that, but in our country it is not like that. It means that we have it wrong, but there it is right, ”he writes a lot of articles in this spirit. A journalist should not be a sycophant, but it is also wrong to praise another state. Once we have already lost our independence, when there were many such people.
Davron Kabulov (3%)
9.1 Davron Kabulov ismli shou-men davlatning deyarli barcha sohalarini tanqid qildi,o‘rinli tanqid. O‘z stand-up chiqishlarida u har doim qandaydir aktual muammoni olib chiqar edi. Juda manmanlikka berilgan dimog‘dor odam. Lekin bu yil u mehnatlari uchun “ Shuhrat” medali bilan taqdirlandi
9.2 The showman Davran Kabulov criticized almost all spheres of our country, and all the criticism is well-grounded. In his stand-up speeches, he covered really hot topics. A very proud person. Surprisingly, this year he was awarded the Shukhrat medal for his work. What could it tell about him?...
Zokhid Karimov (5%)
10.1 Yaqindagina davlat telekanalida bir antiqa voqea sodir bo‘ldi. Ma`lum bir kanalda ishlovchi hodimlar shu kanal faoliyatini tanqid qilgani uchun ishdan bo‘shatildi. Sabab “o‘z ish joyini hurmat qilmaydigan odam ishini hurmat qilmaydi va bu ish etiksiga to‘g‘ri kelmaydi” deya keltirildi . Sog‘lom tanqid faoliyatni rivojlantirish uchun xizmat qilishi kerak. Bu kanal direktori esa bunday o‘ylamadi. Unga birinchi navbatda “ish etikasi” muhim ekan.
10.2 Recently, a strange incident occurred on state television. Employees of one channel were fired for criticizing the channel. The reason is "a person who does not respect his workplace does not respect his job, and this is contrary to work ethics." But after all, adequate criticism should contribute to development. Channel director Zokhid Karimov does not think so. First of all, "work ethic" is important to him.
Fire Fighting Service (4%)
1.1. O‘zbekistonda faoliyat ko‘rsatuvchi bir nechta kerak bo‘lmagan tashkilotlar bor. Ulardan biri “yong‘inga qarshi kurash” tashkiloti. Bu tashkilotning aynan o‘t uchirish xizmat emas go‘yoki profilaktika maqsadida uyingizdagi yong‘in keltirib chiqarishi mumkin bo‘lgan vositalarni tekshirib soliq undiruvchi bo‘limi. Bu masala bilan gaz idorasi hodimlari shug‘ullanishi va gaz uchun to‘langan komunal to‘lov ichida bu profilaktika ishlarni ham bajarilishi kerak.
1.2. There are a number of unnecessary organizations in Uzbekistan. One of them is the "Fire Fighting Service". This is not a fire service, but a tax department that checks devices that can cause a fire in your house for prevention purposes. Employees of the gas department can deal with this issue, and this preventive work should be carried out at the expense of paying for utilities for gas.
The postal service (7%)
2.1.O‘zbekistondagi pochta xizmatlarining ham ish faoliyati qoniqarli emas. Hodimlar juda kam va xatlar ko‘p muddat ichida egasiga yetib boradi. Buning ustiga xat yuborish jarayoni ham juda ko‘p vaqtni oladi. Bunga sabab albatta ish haqi kamligi va bu sohada ishlamoqchi bo‘lgan mutahassis ko‘ngillilarning juda kamchilikni tashkil etishidadir. Rivojlangan axborot-texnologiyalari zamonida ham pochta ehtiyojlari qisman bo‘lsa-da saqlanib qolingan va bu xizmatni qoniqarli yo‘lga qo‘yish lozim.
2.2. The postal service in Uzbekistan also works unsatisfactorily. A small number of employees, letters reach for a long time. The process of sending a mail itself takes a lot of time. Of course, this is due to low salaries, and the lack of good specialists who are ready to work for such a salary. Even in the era of advanced information technologies, there is a need to preserve the postal service and establish its work.
Clinics (7%)
3.1. Hozirda O‘zbekistonda xususiy klinikalar juda ham ko‘pligi bois davlat nazoratidagi poliklinikalarda ahvol bir muncha yomonlashgan. Xizmat ko‘rsatish,muolaja va shunga o‘xshash jarayonlar sifati xususiy klinikalarnikidan ancha farq qiladi. Sababi davlat poliklinikalari bepul xizamat ko‘rsatadi,xususiy klinikalar esa aksincha, har bir xizmati pullik. Balki gap shundadir.
3.2. Currently, in Uzbekistan, the number of private clinics has increased, and the quality of public services in state clinics has significantly deteriorated: the quality of care, treatment and other similar procedures in state clinics are very different from the care and treatment in private clinics. The reason is simple: in public, all services are provided free of charge, and in private, each individual manipulation is paid. Maybe that's the point.
The education system (3%)
4.1. Ta`lim tizimi sekin-asta o‘ziga kelayotgandek tasavvur uyg‘otadi. Chunki 9+3 tizimi ya`ni 9 yillik maktab va 3 yillik kollej tizimi yoshlarning 3 yil umrini behudaga sarflash bilan barobar edi. Chunki kollej yoshiga yetgan yigit-qizlarning hayotida burilish davri bo‘ladi. Bu davrda esa sust nazoratli kollejlar bu jarayonni yomon tomonga burib yuborayotgandi. Chunki ko‘plab malakasiz o‘qituvchilar aynan kollejlarda qo‘nim topgan va yoshlarga yetarli darajada kasb-hunar o‘rgata olishmayotgan edi. Endilikda 11 yillik maktab tizimiga qaytildi va bu o‘quvchilarning o‘ziga qadrli va shu bilan birga tizim yaxshi yo‘lga qo‘yilgan maktabda o‘qigan holda oliy o‘quv yurtiga kirish uchun tayyorgarlik vazifasini yaxshiroq o‘tash uchun xizmat qiladi.
4.2. The education system gradually seems to be coming to its senses. Because the 9+3 system, i.e. the education system of 9 years in high school and 3 years in college, was equivalent to the loss of 3 years in the life of young people. Because the age of young people and girls coincided with a turning point in life, exactly at the moment when they spent time in college. During this period, poorly controlled colleges turned the process in the wrong direction. Poorly qualified teachers ended up in colleges, and were unable to teach young people the necessary skills in sufficient volume. Now we have returned to 11-year school education, and thanks to valuable teachers, we will prepare for admission to higher educational institutions from school.
Bookmakers (10%)
5.1. Hozirda O‘zbekiston hududida totalizatorlar ya`ni sport yoki shunga o‘xshash hodisalarga pul tikish tashkilotlar faoliyatiga ruxsat berildi. Lekin qonun hali to‘liq tayyorlanmaganligi va e`lon qilinmaganligi sabab hali bu faoliyat to‘liq ishlayotgani yo‘q. Ko‘pchilik bunga qarshi. Diniy tomondan ham qimor harom. To‘g‘ri, lekin biz demokratik yurtda yashayabmiz. Hamma ham qimor o‘ynamaslik tarafdori emas. Kimdir ko‘ngil yozish, yoki oddiy bir futbol martchini maroq bilan tomosha qilish uchun ham o‘yinga pul tikishni xohlaydi. Va bu faoliyatni legallashtirish orqali juda ko‘plagan mablag‘larni O‘zbekistonda olib qolishga erishish mumkin. Chunki O‘zbekiston hududida bukmekerlik kompaniyalari yo‘q bo‘lsa-da internet orqali o‘ynash imkoni bor va juda ko‘plagan mablag‘lar shu kompaniya joylashgan davlat soliq xazinasiga borib tushmoqda.
5.2. Currently, bookmakers in Uzbekistan receive a permit for their activities. But the law has not yet been fully developed and published. Many are against it. Gambling is considered, from a religious point of view, "forbidden". This is true, but we live in a secular society. There are those who do not give up gambling. Someone wants to have fun, someone wants to enjoy the game and make a bet. Having legalized this activity, large funds can be received in Uzbekistan. Since there are no bookmakers in Uzbekistan, but there are plenty of opportunities to play on the Internet, and the treasury of those states where this bookmaker is located is filled.
City ecology (5%)
6.1. Eng dolzarb muammolardan yana biri ko‘plab shaharlar o‘zining yashil tusini yo‘qotib bormoqda. Uy qurish va uni sotish maqsadida ko‘plab bog‘lar yo‘q qilib yuborilmoqda. Buning oqibatida chang ko‘tarilishi va toza havo yetishmasligi kelib chiqadi. Bu kelajak avlod uchun qoldirayotgan ekologiyamizning tobora yomonlashishiga xizmat qiladi.
6.2. Another problem is that cities are losing their green color. In order to build houses and then sell them, many gardens are destroyed. In this regard, the dust and the lack of fresh air have increased. All this worsens the ecology, which we leave to the future generation.
Constructions (5%)
7.1. Qurilish rivojlangani va xalqning ehtiyojlari qondirilayotgani yaxshi, lekin faqat bunda sifatga kafolat berilsa. Chunki o‘tgan yili barchamiz guvoh bo‘lgan “Sardoba” suv ombori fojeasi hammamimzing yodimizda. Ko‘plab shu hududdagi oilalarni juda katta talofatlar yetdi va bularning barchasi sifatsiz tashkil qilingan qurilish jarayonidadir.
7.2. It is good that construction is developing and the needs of the people are being met, but under the condition of quality assurance. Because we all remember the tragedy of the Sardob reservoir, which we witnessed last year. Many families have suffered greatly due to the poor organization of the construction process.
Tourism (3%)
8.1. Turizm faoliyatiga ham katta e`tibor qaratish lozim. Chunki dunyoda ko‘plab odamlar ko‘rishni istovchi Xiva,Samarqand va Buxoro kabi qadimiy va go‘zal qadamjolarga egamiz va bundan unumli foydalanish zarur. Turistlar uchun sharoitlarni yanada yaxshilash ularni O‘zbekistonga chorlash uchun yana bir sabab bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.
8.2. We need to pay sufficient attention to such an area as tourism. There are many people in the world who want to see ancient and beautiful places, and we have something to offer - this is Khiva, Samarkand, Bukhara. By improving the conditions for tourists' stay, there will be another reason to attract them to Uzbekistan.
Football fields (3%)
9.1. Futbol maydonlarini ko‘paytirish ham dolzarb masala. Bolalar futbol bilan shug‘ullanishi va kelajakda proffesionallikka qadam qo‘yishi albatta sportni rivojlantiradi. Mini futbol maydonlarini maktablar va mahallalar ixtiyoriga topshirish va undan bepul foydalanishga sharoit yaratish zarur. Shundagina bolalarda bu sport turiga bo‘lgan muhabbatni uyg‘otib, katta yutuqlarga erishishimiz mumkin.
9.2. Increasing the number of football fields is another pressing issue. So children will be able to play football and perhaps in the future they will start playing it professionally. We need to create conditions for school administrations and civil outcomes to be assigned mini-fields where you can play for free. This is how we can instill a love for this sport and achieve great success.
Higher education (5%)
10.1. Oliy ta’lim tizimi ham ancha yaxshi tomonga o‘zgargan. Cheksiz paxta yig‘im terimi va shanbaliklar tizimi barham topdi. Barcha, ya`ni talabalar ham o‘qituvchilar ham bevosita o‘z ishi bilan shug‘ullanmoqdalar.Ba`zi bir kichik kamchiliklarni inobatga olmaganda tizim ancha yaxshilandi.
10.2. The system of higher education has also changed for the better. Endless cotton collections and subbotniks have been canceled. Everyone, both students and teachers, are doing their own thing. The educational system of higher education itself has improved several times, if we do not take into account a number of minor shortcomings.
Internet providers (7%)
1.1. Internatga javob beruvchi bir nechta kompaniyalar ko‘p yillardan beri internet tezligini ko‘tarish bo‘yicha katta vadalar berishmoqda, lekin o‘zgarishlar ko‘zga tashlanmayapti. Internet narxlari ancha qimmat va tezlik sifat talabiga javob bermaydi. Bu esa mamlakatimizga tashrif buyurayotgan turistlar tomonidan tanqidga uchramoqda. Serverlar ancha eskirgan va ular zamon talabiga mos emas. Chekka hududlarga esa bu serverlar umuman yetib bormagan.
1.2. Despite many years of assurances from several Internet service providers to increase the speed of the Internet, no special changes have occurred. The cost is high, and the speed does not meet the requirements. Which leads to criticism from tourists who visit our country. The servers are outdated, they do not meet the requirements of the time. Even such servers did not reach remote areas.
Construction companies (7%)
2.1. Hozirda eng ko‘p kompaniyalar qurilish sohasida xizmat qiladi. Ularni bir necha mingta desak adashmagan bo‘lamiz. Ichida o‘z ishini puxta bajaruvchi va talabga javob beruvchilari ham bor, lekin hammasi ham emas.
2.2. At the moment, most of the companies are engaged in the construction sector. We will not be mistaken if we say that there are several thousand of them. Among them, those who do their job well and meet the time, but definitely not all.
Test centers (7%)
3.1. Abituriyentlarni oliy ta`limga o‘tkazish jarayonida xizmat qiluvchi, test o‘tkazish jarayoniga ma`sul tashkilot yillar davomida tanqidga uchrab kelmoqda. Chunki test o‘tkazilgandan keyin abituriyentlar juda ko‘p vaqt o‘zlarining natijalari va talabalikka tavsiya etilgan yoki etilmaganini bila olishmaydi. Ya`ni mandat sanalari kechiktiriladi va bu bir yoki ikki yil kuzatilgan jarayon emas. Abituriyentlar bu tashkilot faoliyatidan juda norozi.
3.2. The organization responsible for the testing process in higher educational institutions "Test Center" has been criticized for many years. After passing the tests, applicants cannot find out their results for a long time, whether they have established themselves as students or not. The terms of the mandate are constantly postponed. And we have been observing this process for more than the first and not the second year. Applicants are very dissatisfied with the work of this organization.
Online payment systems (9%)
4.1. Onlayn tolovlar qilinadigan ba`zi saytlar talab darajasida emas. To‘lovlar kechiktirilishi yoki tovarning vaqtida yetib kelmaslik vaziyatlari kuzatiladi. VisaCard,Mastercard kabi valyutali to‘lovlar qilish bilan ham muammolar yetarli. Ko‘pincha O‘zbekiston hududida ishlatilinuvchi kartalar orqali to‘lov qilish so‘raladi bu esa ma`lum noqulayliklarni keltirib chiqaradi.
4.2. Some sites that are responsible for paying online do not meet modern requirements. Delays in payment or late delivery of goods are common. Foreign currency payments made in Uzbekistan using VisaCard, Mastercard, cause inconvenience.
Artist licencing organizations (3%)
5.1. Sa`natkorlarga litsenziya beruvchi tashkilot bir necha marotaba aniq sabab ko‘rsatmasdan litsenziyalarni bekor qilish bilan ham shug‘ullanib turadi. San`atkor qo‘shig‘ining ma`nosizligi yoki uning klipda mentalitetga to‘g‘ri kelmaydigan kiyimlarda ko‘rinish berishi ham litsenziyasiz qolishiga sabab bo‘lishi mumkin. Yoki ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi faoliyati ham bunga sabab bo‘ladi. Ijtimoiy tarmoq sahifasi har doim insonning ichki dunyosi va shaxsiy mulki bo‘lib qolishi, unga chetdan daxl bo‘lmasligi lozim.
5.2. The organization responsible for licensing artists is accused to repeatedly revoke licenses, without explaining the reasons. The reasons, in their opinion, for which an artist can remain without a license can be: a song that makes little sense; clothes in which the artist appears in the video that do not correspond to the mentality, or, social networks. But after all, social networks are his inner world and his personal property, interference from the outside is unacceptable.
TV channels (5%)
6.1. Ba`zi kanallar esa keraksiz va ma`nosiz seriallarni telekanal orqali aylantirish bilan ovora. Hind yoki Turk seriallarining barchasi ham ma`no jihatdan O‘zbek xalqi uchun mos kelavermaydi va nazorat qo‘mitasi serialni tasdiqlashdan oldin buni inobatga olishi lozim. Chunki televideniyaning katta auditoriyasi aynan o‘zbeklar. Harajatlar qilib dublyaj qilingan va namoyish huquqi sotib olingan film tanqidlarga uchrab namoyishi to‘xtatib qo‘yilishi kanal uchun katta zarar keltiradi.
6.2. Some channels are busy translating meaningless and unnecessary series. Not all Indian or Turkish TV series are suitable for the Uzbek people. The supervisory committee must take this fact into account before confirming the series. Therefore, most of the TV audience is Uzbeks. The suspension of the film after a wave of criticism against it, taking into account the dubbing and the redemption of the film, is a big loss for the TV channel.
Car monopoly (10%)
7.1. O‘zbekiston hududida avtomobil ishlab chiqarish bilan shug‘ullanuvchi bir dona tashkilot bor. Avtomobil bozorida bu brendning mashinalaridan tashqari tanlov deyarli yo‘q. Inomarka mashinalar esa O‘zbekiston hududiga kirib kelishi uchun o‘zining narxiga teng narxda soliq qo‘yiladi. Bu esa aholiga umuman tanlov qoldirmaydi. Bu esa monopoliyaning beligisidir. Va bu siyosat orqali ular o‘zlarining mashinalarini juda qimmat sotishmoqda. Oddiy aholi olishi mumkin bo‘lgan eng arzon avtomobil narxi 70 million so‘mni tashkil etadi va bu eng kam oylik haqqining deyarli 100 baravarini tashkil qiladi.
7.2. There is one car manufacturer in Uzbekistan. There is practically no other choice in the auto market, except for cars of this brand. Foreign cars, when they are imported into the territory of Uzbekistan, are subject to a tax that is equal to the cost of the car itself. In turn, this leaves no choice for the population. This is a sign of a monopoly. Thanks to this, cars are sold at an inflated price. The most budget car that ordinary people can afford is 70 million soums, which is almost 100 times more than the minimum wage.
Aircompany (8%)
8.1. O‘zbekiston hududida aviareyslar ham deyarli bir kompaniya tomonidan amalga oshiriladi. Chet elga uchmoqchi bo‘lgan odamlar uchun tanlov ko‘p. Shuning uchun narxlar ancha arzon, chunki bu raqobat. Hamma hamyonbop variant qidiradi va tanlov amalga oshiradi. Davlat hududi bo‘ylab amalga oshiriladigan parvozlarda esa bunday emas.
8.2. Flights to Uzbekistan are also operated by one company. Abroad, a passenger who wants to fly has a wide choice. Therefore, the cost is lower there, since there is competition. The passenger looks for an option for himself and makes a choice. With flights in our country, the situation is different.
Railway company (5%)
9.1. Temiryo‘l borasida ham shu gaplarni aytish mumkin. Rossiya,Qozog‘iston kabi davlatlarga chiqish uchun reyslar chiptalarida raqobat bo‘lgani bois narxlar bir-biridan farq qiladi. Davlat hududidagi reyslarda esa bunday emas.
9.2. The same can be said about the railway. Since there are a number of flights for traveling to Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries, then the ticket prices are different. This is not the case for domestic flights.
Communication companies (7%)
10.1. Eng nufuzli bo‘lgan aloqa kompaniyalirining liniyalarida ba`zida uzilishlar bo‘ladi va bu abonentlarning e`tirozlariga sabab bo‘ladi. Narxlar qimmatligi ham ko‘plab tanqidlarga sabab bo‘lgan. Bu sohada raqobat mavjud va yangi paydo bo‘layotgan aloqa kompaniyalari narxlarni arzonlashtirishga va xizmatlarni qulaylashtirishga e`tibor qaratmoqdalar. Bu esa kompaniya o‘z narxlari va xizmatlari sifati ustida bosh qotirishga asos bo‘lib xizmat qilishi kerak.
10.2. Sometimes the lines of the largest communication companies are interrupted, which causes complaints from subscribers. The high cost is also a subject of criticism. There is competition in this area, new communication companies are focusing on reducing prices and simplifying the provision of services. This should be the basis for the company: work on pricing and improving the quality of services provided.
#hmwyda wishlist
O'zbekistonda so'nggi 5 yil ichida juda ko'plab sohalarda islohotlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Yaxshi tomonga bo'lgan o'zgarishlar ancha ko'zga tashlanmoqda. So'z erkinligi va media sohalaridagi o'zgarish fuqarolarning siyosiy pozitsiyalarini ancha mustahkamlamoqda. Odamlarda yurt kelajagiga bo'lgan ishonch ancha ortgan. Lekin kichkina kamchiliklar uchrab turadi.
Over the past five years, reforms have been carried out in Uzbekistan in many areas. The changes for the better have become more noticeable. Changes in freedom of speech and the media significantly strengthen the political positions of citizens. People have more confidence in the future of the country. But there are still some shortcomings.
Amirxon Umarov (5%)
1.1 Uning televidiniyadagi chiqishlari odam tabini xira qiladi. Xalqning dolzarb muammolarini ommaga taqdim qilish maqsadida oddiy odam niqobi ostidagi aktyorlardan foydalanadi. Uni xalq manfaatlari yoki faravonligi qiziqtirmaydi, uning asosiy maqsadi ko‘rsatuvining reytingi va mashxurlik xolos. Eng achinarlisi hozirda bu ko‘rsatuvning homiylari va reytinglari juda baland va internet tarmoqlarida bu ko‘rsatuv juda ko‘plab tomoshabin yig‘a oladi. Lekin bu masxaraqbozlik va ko‘zbo‘yamachilikdan boshqa narsa emas.
1.2 His TV shows make people ugly. To expose to the public the pressing problems of ordinary people, he invites masked actors. He does not live by the interests and well-being of people; his main goal is only the rating of the program and popularity. Unfortunately, now the program has a high rating and good sponsors, as well as a large audience on the Internet. But this is nothing more than a joke and a prank.
Jahongir Otajonov (5%)
2.1 Bu sanatkor ham yuqorida aytib o‘tilgan xarakterlardan mustasno emas. Uning ham asosiy maqsadi mashxurlik, pul va homiylarning unga bo‘lgan qiziqishlari. Boshqa san`atkorlar bilan qiladigan so‘z o‘yinlari, ularni yerga urish va hech bir san`atkorni tan olmaslik qabilidagi chiqishlari aynan piar va trendda bo‘lish uchundir. San`atni tark etishi, boshqa sohaga e`tibor qaratishi va yana san`atga qaytish orqali u yanada o‘zining reytinglarini ko‘tarib olayapti.
2.2 This artist is no exception. His main goals are fame, money and sponsorship. His word games with other artists, humiliation and not recognizing any artists, are all about popularity and being trendy. By leaving the arts, focusing on another field, and returning to the arts, he is raising his ratings even higher.
Nurmat Otabekov (7%)
3.1 Bu inson vrach bo‘lib ishlaydi va bemorlarga qo‘pol munosabatda bo‘ladi. Chunki uning asosiy ishi shifokorlik emas. Uning asosiy ishi biznes bo‘lib, shifokorlikni xuddiki biznesga va u yerda bo‘layotgan ishlarga aloqasi yo‘qdek tutish uchun qo‘llaydi. Aslida atrofdagi hamma bu brend va mahsulotlar aynan shu “shifokorga” tegishli ekanligini biladi. Shifokorlikga o‘qigani bilan uning omadi aynan biznesda chopmoqda va unga boylik keltirmoqda.
3.2 This person works as a doctor, but treats patients rudely. Because his main activity is not medical, but entrepreneurial. His job is business; he pretends that he has nothing to do with drugs, and that he also allegedly does not know what is happening there. Although everyone around is aware that this product and this brand is his own. Although he studied medicine, his business became especially successful, and that made him rich.
Zarina Nizomutdinova (3%)
4.1 Bu aktrisa filmdagi rollari bilan emas plastik jarrohlik operatsiyalar qildirishi bilan mashxurroq. Albatta o‘lib bo‘lgan o‘zbek kinosida faqat film bilangina trendda bo‘lish va shuhrat qozonish qiyin masala. Balki u shuning uchun ham bu yo‘ldan foydalanar. Tabiiylik deyarli yo‘qolib bo‘lgan u esa haligacha operatsiya qildirganini tan olmaslik bilan ovora.
4.2 This actress is more famous not for her movie roles, but for the plastic surgery she underwent. Although it must be admitted that Uzbek cinema is almost dead, it is very difficult to remain in the spotlight and become famous only thanks to films. Perhaps that's why she chose this path to fame. There is no trace of natural beauty, and she is trying to deny the fact of plastic surgery.
Jahongir Artikxodjaev (7%)
5.1 Toshkent shahrida hammamizga ma`lumki bir insonga tegishli brendlar deyarli butun shaharni egallagan. Bu muvaffaqiyatli biznes rejasi samarasimi yoki monopoliya. Chunki bu brendlar viloyatlarda bunchalik ham keng tarqalmagan. Aynan Toshkent shahri hududida qudrati juda katta. Chunki uning yashash hududi va vakolat doirasi aynan Toshkent shahri bilan chegaralangan. Nima bo‘lgan taqdirda ham sof raqobat bor joyda o‘sish, taraqqiyot bo‘ladi. Monopoliya faqatgina zararga ishlaydi va boshqa brendlarning zavolga yuz tutishiga olib keladi.
5.2 Everyone in Tashkent knows that the brands that cover almost the entire city belong to one person, Jakhongir Artykhodzhaev. It is either the result of a successful business plan or a monopoly. In the regions, this brand is not so widespread. Only on the territory of Tashkent his power is enormous because his sphere of influence is limited to the city of Tashkent. In any case, if there is a healthy competition, there is growth and development. Monopoly is the detriment of everyone and leads to the decline of other brands.
Vadim Abramov (5%)
6.1 O‘zbekistonda futbol zavolga yuz tutib borayotgani hech kimga sir emas. Bu ba`zi odamlarning talantlarni qurbon qilayotgani bilan ham bog‘liq. Chunki qaysidir agent murabbiylar jamoaning foydasini emas, ma`lum bir futbolchini ommaga mashxur qilib chet el klubiga sotish orqali momaygina daromadni o‘ylaydilar. Bunday murabbiylardan biri yaqindagina O‘zbekiston milliy terma jamoasidan iste`foga chiqarildi. Uning tushunib bo‘lmas bahonalari va qilgan ishlari, masalan:hal qiluvchi o‘yinlarda terma jamoa safida umuman maydonga tushmagan o‘yinchini asosiy tarkibda o‘ynatib “reklama” qilishi aynan agentlik vazifasidan dalolat.
6.2 It's no secret that football in Uzbekistan is declining. One of the reasons is that talents are sacrificed. Because some coaches and agents, such as Vadim Abramov, do not think about the benefits for the team, but about receiving benefits from the sale of a player to a foreign club. One such coach recently left the Uzbekistan national team.
Samvel Babayan (5%)
7.1 Bunday insonlardan yana biri 2018-yilgi Jahon chempionatidan o‘zbek xalqini mosuva qilgandi. Uning qilgan tanish-bilishchiliklari deyarli hammaga ma`lum bo‘lib ulgurdi va barchaning mundialga bo‘lgan umidlarini so‘ndirdi. Chunki darvozada necha yillardan beri turib kelayotgan ishonchli darvozabonni termaga chaqirmay turib o‘zining “shogirdini” bu pozitsiyaga qo‘yish va ko‘plab qo‘pol xatolarga yo‘l qo‘yishini jimgina kuzatib turishini boshqacha izohlab bo‘lmaydi.
7.2 Another similar character in 2018, “tried” to disqualify the Uzbek team from the 2018 World Cup. The patronage and nepotism of Samvel Babayan were known to everyone and dashed all hope at the World Championship. How can you explain that without releasing an experienced and reliable goalkeeper on the field, who has been at the goal for many years, putting his “student” in this position, who made a number of gross mistakes, he simply silently watched all this.
Bobur Akmalov (7%)
8.1 Bu jurnalist maqolalarining kattagina qismi siyosatni tanqid qilishga qaratilgan. Sof tanqid emas, aynan qaysidir davlat siyosatidan parallel keltirgan holda “bu davlatda bunday, bizda esa unday emas, demak bizniki yomon ularniki to‘g‘ri” degan ma`noni beruvchi mavzular juda ko‘p. Jurnalist maddoh bo‘lmasligi kerak lekin aynan bir davlat siyosatini maqtayverish jurnalist uchun to‘g‘ri emas. Chunki shunday insonlar ko‘payib ketgani bois biz bir davrlar o‘z mustaqilligimizni yo‘qotganmiz.
8.2 Most of the articles by journalist Bobur Akmalov are aimed at criticizing politics. Not real criticism, but in the interests of the policy of a particular state. Parallels are always drawn like that: “in this state it is like that, but in our country it is not like that. It means that we have it wrong, but there it is right, ”he writes a lot of articles in this spirit. A journalist should not be a sycophant, but it is also wrong to praise another state. Once we have already lost our independence, when there were many such people.
Davron Kabulov (3%)
9.1 Davron Kabulov ismli shou-men davlatning deyarli barcha sohalarini tanqid qildi,o‘rinli tanqid. O‘z stand-up chiqishlarida u har doim qandaydir aktual muammoni olib chiqar edi. Juda manmanlikka berilgan dimog‘dor odam. Lekin bu yil u mehnatlari uchun “ Shuhrat” medali bilan taqdirlandi
9.2 The showman Davran Kabulov criticized almost all spheres of our country, and all the criticism is well-grounded. In his stand-up speeches, he covered really hot topics. A very proud person. Surprisingly, this year he was awarded the Shukhrat medal for his work. What could it tell about him?...
Zokhid Karimov (5%)
10.1 Yaqindagina davlat telekanalida bir antiqa voqea sodir bo‘ldi. Ma`lum bir kanalda ishlovchi hodimlar shu kanal faoliyatini tanqid qilgani uchun ishdan bo‘shatildi. Sabab “o‘z ish joyini hurmat qilmaydigan odam ishini hurmat qilmaydi va bu ish etiksiga to‘g‘ri kelmaydi” deya keltirildi . Sog‘lom tanqid faoliyatni rivojlantirish uchun xizmat qilishi kerak. Bu kanal direktori esa bunday o‘ylamadi. Unga birinchi navbatda “ish etikasi” muhim ekan.
10.2 Recently, a strange incident occurred on state television. Employees of one channel were fired for criticizing the channel. The reason is "a person who does not respect his workplace does not respect his job, and this is contrary to work ethics." But after all, adequate criticism should contribute to development. Channel director Zokhid Karimov does not think so. First of all, "work ethic" is important to him.
Fire Fighting Service (4%)
1.1. O‘zbekistonda faoliyat ko‘rsatuvchi bir nechta kerak bo‘lmagan tashkilotlar bor. Ulardan biri “yong‘inga qarshi kurash” tashkiloti. Bu tashkilotning aynan o‘t uchirish xizmat emas go‘yoki profilaktika maqsadida uyingizdagi yong‘in keltirib chiqarishi mumkin bo‘lgan vositalarni tekshirib soliq undiruvchi bo‘limi. Bu masala bilan gaz idorasi hodimlari shug‘ullanishi va gaz uchun to‘langan komunal to‘lov ichida bu profilaktika ishlarni ham bajarilishi kerak.
1.2. There are a number of unnecessary organizations in Uzbekistan. One of them is the "Fire Fighting Service". This is not a fire service, but a tax department that checks devices that can cause a fire in your house for prevention purposes. Employees of the gas department can deal with this issue, and this preventive work should be carried out at the expense of paying for utilities for gas.
The postal service (7%)
2.1.O‘zbekistondagi pochta xizmatlarining ham ish faoliyati qoniqarli emas. Hodimlar juda kam va xatlar ko‘p muddat ichida egasiga yetib boradi. Buning ustiga xat yuborish jarayoni ham juda ko‘p vaqtni oladi. Bunga sabab albatta ish haqi kamligi va bu sohada ishlamoqchi bo‘lgan mutahassis ko‘ngillilarning juda kamchilikni tashkil etishidadir. Rivojlangan axborot-texnologiyalari zamonida ham pochta ehtiyojlari qisman bo‘lsa-da saqlanib qolingan va bu xizmatni qoniqarli yo‘lga qo‘yish lozim.
2.2. The postal service in Uzbekistan also works unsatisfactorily. A small number of employees, letters reach for a long time. The process of sending a mail itself takes a lot of time. Of course, this is due to low salaries, and the lack of good specialists who are ready to work for such a salary. Even in the era of advanced information technologies, there is a need to preserve the postal service and establish its work.
Clinics (7%)
3.1. Hozirda O‘zbekistonda xususiy klinikalar juda ham ko‘pligi bois davlat nazoratidagi poliklinikalarda ahvol bir muncha yomonlashgan. Xizmat ko‘rsatish,muolaja va shunga o‘xshash jarayonlar sifati xususiy klinikalarnikidan ancha farq qiladi. Sababi davlat poliklinikalari bepul xizamat ko‘rsatadi,xususiy klinikalar esa aksincha, har bir xizmati pullik. Balki gap shundadir.
3.2. Currently, in Uzbekistan, the number of private clinics has increased, and the quality of public services in state clinics has significantly deteriorated: the quality of care, treatment and other similar procedures in state clinics are very different from the care and treatment in private clinics. The reason is simple: in public, all services are provided free of charge, and in private, each individual manipulation is paid. Maybe that's the point.
The education system (3%)
4.1. Ta`lim tizimi sekin-asta o‘ziga kelayotgandek tasavvur uyg‘otadi. Chunki 9+3 tizimi ya`ni 9 yillik maktab va 3 yillik kollej tizimi yoshlarning 3 yil umrini behudaga sarflash bilan barobar edi. Chunki kollej yoshiga yetgan yigit-qizlarning hayotida burilish davri bo‘ladi. Bu davrda esa sust nazoratli kollejlar bu jarayonni yomon tomonga burib yuborayotgandi. Chunki ko‘plab malakasiz o‘qituvchilar aynan kollejlarda qo‘nim topgan va yoshlarga yetarli darajada kasb-hunar o‘rgata olishmayotgan edi. Endilikda 11 yillik maktab tizimiga qaytildi va bu o‘quvchilarning o‘ziga qadrli va shu bilan birga tizim yaxshi yo‘lga qo‘yilgan maktabda o‘qigan holda oliy o‘quv yurtiga kirish uchun tayyorgarlik vazifasini yaxshiroq o‘tash uchun xizmat qiladi.
4.2. The education system gradually seems to be coming to its senses. Because the 9+3 system, i.e. the education system of 9 years in high school and 3 years in college, was equivalent to the loss of 3 years in the life of young people. Because the age of young people and girls coincided with a turning point in life, exactly at the moment when they spent time in college. During this period, poorly controlled colleges turned the process in the wrong direction. Poorly qualified teachers ended up in colleges, and were unable to teach young people the necessary skills in sufficient volume. Now we have returned to 11-year school education, and thanks to valuable teachers, we will prepare for admission to higher educational institutions from school.
Bookmakers (10%)
5.1. Hozirda O‘zbekiston hududida totalizatorlar ya`ni sport yoki shunga o‘xshash hodisalarga pul tikish tashkilotlar faoliyatiga ruxsat berildi. Lekin qonun hali to‘liq tayyorlanmaganligi va e`lon qilinmaganligi sabab hali bu faoliyat to‘liq ishlayotgani yo‘q. Ko‘pchilik bunga qarshi. Diniy tomondan ham qimor harom. To‘g‘ri, lekin biz demokratik yurtda yashayabmiz. Hamma ham qimor o‘ynamaslik tarafdori emas. Kimdir ko‘ngil yozish, yoki oddiy bir futbol martchini maroq bilan tomosha qilish uchun ham o‘yinga pul tikishni xohlaydi. Va bu faoliyatni legallashtirish orqali juda ko‘plagan mablag‘larni O‘zbekistonda olib qolishga erishish mumkin. Chunki O‘zbekiston hududida bukmekerlik kompaniyalari yo‘q bo‘lsa-da internet orqali o‘ynash imkoni bor va juda ko‘plagan mablag‘lar shu kompaniya joylashgan davlat soliq xazinasiga borib tushmoqda.
5.2. Currently, bookmakers in Uzbekistan receive a permit for their activities. But the law has not yet been fully developed and published. Many are against it. Gambling is considered, from a religious point of view, "forbidden". This is true, but we live in a secular society. There are those who do not give up gambling. Someone wants to have fun, someone wants to enjoy the game and make a bet. Having legalized this activity, large funds can be received in Uzbekistan. Since there are no bookmakers in Uzbekistan, but there are plenty of opportunities to play on the Internet, and the treasury of those states where this bookmaker is located is filled.
City ecology (5%)
6.1. Eng dolzarb muammolardan yana biri ko‘plab shaharlar o‘zining yashil tusini yo‘qotib bormoqda. Uy qurish va uni sotish maqsadida ko‘plab bog‘lar yo‘q qilib yuborilmoqda. Buning oqibatida chang ko‘tarilishi va toza havo yetishmasligi kelib chiqadi. Bu kelajak avlod uchun qoldirayotgan ekologiyamizning tobora yomonlashishiga xizmat qiladi.
6.2. Another problem is that cities are losing their green color. In order to build houses and then sell them, many gardens are destroyed. In this regard, the dust and the lack of fresh air have increased. All this worsens the ecology, which we leave to the future generation.
Constructions (5%)
7.1. Qurilish rivojlangani va xalqning ehtiyojlari qondirilayotgani yaxshi, lekin faqat bunda sifatga kafolat berilsa. Chunki o‘tgan yili barchamiz guvoh bo‘lgan “Sardoba” suv ombori fojeasi hammamimzing yodimizda. Ko‘plab shu hududdagi oilalarni juda katta talofatlar yetdi va bularning barchasi sifatsiz tashkil qilingan qurilish jarayonidadir.
7.2. It is good that construction is developing and the needs of the people are being met, but under the condition of quality assurance. Because we all remember the tragedy of the Sardob reservoir, which we witnessed last year. Many families have suffered greatly due to the poor organization of the construction process.
Tourism (3%)
8.1. Turizm faoliyatiga ham katta e`tibor qaratish lozim. Chunki dunyoda ko‘plab odamlar ko‘rishni istovchi Xiva,Samarqand va Buxoro kabi qadimiy va go‘zal qadamjolarga egamiz va bundan unumli foydalanish zarur. Turistlar uchun sharoitlarni yanada yaxshilash ularni O‘zbekistonga chorlash uchun yana bir sabab bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.
8.2. We need to pay sufficient attention to such an area as tourism. There are many people in the world who want to see ancient and beautiful places, and we have something to offer - this is Khiva, Samarkand, Bukhara. By improving the conditions for tourists' stay, there will be another reason to attract them to Uzbekistan.
Football fields (3%)
9.1. Futbol maydonlarini ko‘paytirish ham dolzarb masala. Bolalar futbol bilan shug‘ullanishi va kelajakda proffesionallikka qadam qo‘yishi albatta sportni rivojlantiradi. Mini futbol maydonlarini maktablar va mahallalar ixtiyoriga topshirish va undan bepul foydalanishga sharoit yaratish zarur. Shundagina bolalarda bu sport turiga bo‘lgan muhabbatni uyg‘otib, katta yutuqlarga erishishimiz mumkin.
9.2. Increasing the number of football fields is another pressing issue. So children will be able to play football and perhaps in the future they will start playing it professionally. We need to create conditions for school administrations and civil outcomes to be assigned mini-fields where you can play for free. This is how we can instill a love for this sport and achieve great success.
Higher education (5%)
10.1. Oliy ta’lim tizimi ham ancha yaxshi tomonga o‘zgargan. Cheksiz paxta yig‘im terimi va shanbaliklar tizimi barham topdi. Barcha, ya`ni talabalar ham o‘qituvchilar ham bevosita o‘z ishi bilan shug‘ullanmoqdalar.Ba`zi bir kichik kamchiliklarni inobatga olmaganda tizim ancha yaxshilandi.
10.2. The system of higher education has also changed for the better. Endless cotton collections and subbotniks have been canceled. Everyone, both students and teachers, are doing their own thing. The educational system of higher education itself has improved several times, if we do not take into account a number of minor shortcomings.
Internet providers (7%)
1.1. Internatga javob beruvchi bir nechta kompaniyalar ko‘p yillardan beri internet tezligini ko‘tarish bo‘yicha katta vadalar berishmoqda, lekin o‘zgarishlar ko‘zga tashlanmayapti. Internet narxlari ancha qimmat va tezlik sifat talabiga javob bermaydi. Bu esa mamlakatimizga tashrif buyurayotgan turistlar tomonidan tanqidga uchramoqda. Serverlar ancha eskirgan va ular zamon talabiga mos emas. Chekka hududlarga esa bu serverlar umuman yetib bormagan.
1.2. Despite many years of assurances from several Internet service providers to increase the speed of the Internet, no special changes have occurred. The cost is high, and the speed does not meet the requirements. Which leads to criticism from tourists who visit our country. The servers are outdated, they do not meet the requirements of the time. Even such servers did not reach remote areas.
Construction companies (7%)
2.1. Hozirda eng ko‘p kompaniyalar qurilish sohasida xizmat qiladi. Ularni bir necha mingta desak adashmagan bo‘lamiz. Ichida o‘z ishini puxta bajaruvchi va talabga javob beruvchilari ham bor, lekin hammasi ham emas.
2.2. At the moment, most of the companies are engaged in the construction sector. We will not be mistaken if we say that there are several thousand of them. Among them, those who do their job well and meet the time, but definitely not all.
Test centers (7%)
3.1. Abituriyentlarni oliy ta`limga o‘tkazish jarayonida xizmat qiluvchi, test o‘tkazish jarayoniga ma`sul tashkilot yillar davomida tanqidga uchrab kelmoqda. Chunki test o‘tkazilgandan keyin abituriyentlar juda ko‘p vaqt o‘zlarining natijalari va talabalikka tavsiya etilgan yoki etilmaganini bila olishmaydi. Ya`ni mandat sanalari kechiktiriladi va bu bir yoki ikki yil kuzatilgan jarayon emas. Abituriyentlar bu tashkilot faoliyatidan juda norozi.
3.2. The organization responsible for the testing process in higher educational institutions "Test Center" has been criticized for many years. After passing the tests, applicants cannot find out their results for a long time, whether they have established themselves as students or not. The terms of the mandate are constantly postponed. And we have been observing this process for more than the first and not the second year. Applicants are very dissatisfied with the work of this organization.
Online payment systems (9%)
4.1. Onlayn tolovlar qilinadigan ba`zi saytlar talab darajasida emas. To‘lovlar kechiktirilishi yoki tovarning vaqtida yetib kelmaslik vaziyatlari kuzatiladi. VisaCard,Mastercard kabi valyutali to‘lovlar qilish bilan ham muammolar yetarli. Ko‘pincha O‘zbekiston hududida ishlatilinuvchi kartalar orqali to‘lov qilish so‘raladi bu esa ma`lum noqulayliklarni keltirib chiqaradi.
4.2. Some sites that are responsible for paying online do not meet modern requirements. Delays in payment or late delivery of goods are common. Foreign currency payments made in Uzbekistan using VisaCard, Mastercard, cause inconvenience.
Artist licencing organizations (3%)
5.1. Sa`natkorlarga litsenziya beruvchi tashkilot bir necha marotaba aniq sabab ko‘rsatmasdan litsenziyalarni bekor qilish bilan ham shug‘ullanib turadi. San`atkor qo‘shig‘ining ma`nosizligi yoki uning klipda mentalitetga to‘g‘ri kelmaydigan kiyimlarda ko‘rinish berishi ham litsenziyasiz qolishiga sabab bo‘lishi mumkin. Yoki ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi faoliyati ham bunga sabab bo‘ladi. Ijtimoiy tarmoq sahifasi har doim insonning ichki dunyosi va shaxsiy mulki bo‘lib qolishi, unga chetdan daxl bo‘lmasligi lozim.
5.2. The organization responsible for licensing artists is accused to repeatedly revoke licenses, without explaining the reasons. The reasons, in their opinion, for which an artist can remain without a license can be: a song that makes little sense; clothes in which the artist appears in the video that do not correspond to the mentality, or, social networks. But after all, social networks are his inner world and his personal property, interference from the outside is unacceptable.
TV channels (5%)
6.1. Ba`zi kanallar esa keraksiz va ma`nosiz seriallarni telekanal orqali aylantirish bilan ovora. Hind yoki Turk seriallarining barchasi ham ma`no jihatdan O‘zbek xalqi uchun mos kelavermaydi va nazorat qo‘mitasi serialni tasdiqlashdan oldin buni inobatga olishi lozim. Chunki televideniyaning katta auditoriyasi aynan o‘zbeklar. Harajatlar qilib dublyaj qilingan va namoyish huquqi sotib olingan film tanqidlarga uchrab namoyishi to‘xtatib qo‘yilishi kanal uchun katta zarar keltiradi.
6.2. Some channels are busy translating meaningless and unnecessary series. Not all Indian or Turkish TV series are suitable for the Uzbek people. The supervisory committee must take this fact into account before confirming the series. Therefore, most of the TV audience is Uzbeks. The suspension of the film after a wave of criticism against it, taking into account the dubbing and the redemption of the film, is a big loss for the TV channel.
Car monopoly (10%)
7.1. O‘zbekiston hududida avtomobil ishlab chiqarish bilan shug‘ullanuvchi bir dona tashkilot bor. Avtomobil bozorida bu brendning mashinalaridan tashqari tanlov deyarli yo‘q. Inomarka mashinalar esa O‘zbekiston hududiga kirib kelishi uchun o‘zining narxiga teng narxda soliq qo‘yiladi. Bu esa aholiga umuman tanlov qoldirmaydi. Bu esa monopoliyaning beligisidir. Va bu siyosat orqali ular o‘zlarining mashinalarini juda qimmat sotishmoqda. Oddiy aholi olishi mumkin bo‘lgan eng arzon avtomobil narxi 70 million so‘mni tashkil etadi va bu eng kam oylik haqqining deyarli 100 baravarini tashkil qiladi.
7.2. There is one car manufacturer in Uzbekistan. There is practically no other choice in the auto market, except for cars of this brand. Foreign cars, when they are imported into the territory of Uzbekistan, are subject to a tax that is equal to the cost of the car itself. In turn, this leaves no choice for the population. This is a sign of a monopoly. Thanks to this, cars are sold at an inflated price. The most budget car that ordinary people can afford is 70 million soums, which is almost 100 times more than the minimum wage.
Aircompany (8%)
8.1. O‘zbekiston hududida aviareyslar ham deyarli bir kompaniya tomonidan amalga oshiriladi. Chet elga uchmoqchi bo‘lgan odamlar uchun tanlov ko‘p. Shuning uchun narxlar ancha arzon, chunki bu raqobat. Hamma hamyonbop variant qidiradi va tanlov amalga oshiradi. Davlat hududi bo‘ylab amalga oshiriladigan parvozlarda esa bunday emas.
8.2. Flights to Uzbekistan are also operated by one company. Abroad, a passenger who wants to fly has a wide choice. Therefore, the cost is lower there, since there is competition. The passenger looks for an option for himself and makes a choice. With flights in our country, the situation is different.
Railway company (5%)
9.1. Temiryo‘l borasida ham shu gaplarni aytish mumkin. Rossiya,Qozog‘iston kabi davlatlarga chiqish uchun reyslar chiptalarida raqobat bo‘lgani bois narxlar bir-biridan farq qiladi. Davlat hududidagi reyslarda esa bunday emas.
9.2. The same can be said about the railway. Since there are a number of flights for traveling to Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries, then the ticket prices are different. This is not the case for domestic flights.
Communication companies (7%)
10.1. Eng nufuzli bo‘lgan aloqa kompaniyalirining liniyalarida ba`zida uzilishlar bo‘ladi va bu abonentlarning e`tirozlariga sabab bo‘ladi. Narxlar qimmatligi ham ko‘plab tanqidlarga sabab bo‘lgan. Bu sohada raqobat mavjud va yangi paydo bo‘layotgan aloqa kompaniyalari narxlarni arzonlashtirishga va xizmatlarni qulaylashtirishga e`tibor qaratmoqdalar. Bu esa kompaniya o‘z narxlari va xizmatlari sifati ustida bosh qotirishga asos bo‘lib xizmat qilishi kerak.
10.2. Sometimes the lines of the largest communication companies are interrupted, which causes complaints from subscribers. The high cost is also a subject of criticism. There is competition in this area, new communication companies are focusing on reducing prices and simplifying the provision of services. This should be the basis for the company: work on pricing and improving the quality of services provided.