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#hmwyda wishlist:
List updates
20/06/2021: Added dollar amounts to list entries

Greetings from NZ
Country's doing great, there's basically no more COVID, but personally I'm more pissed than ever.

this is my first list, open to feedback if it needs improving

1.1 Alicia Breuer $400
This is a 17 year-old, that reportedly makes around $19,000 PER DAY on fucking Tik Tok.
I need to get up at 6am every day, walk the dog, and be at work at 8am where I have to lift heavy things for most of the day.
I am only in my thirties and already I am seeing problems with my knees and back.
Meanwhile some bitch can just post funny videos, and probably retire by the time she is 20?
Makes my blood boil like nothing else.

1.2 Jan Tinetti $400
This is a member of parliament in New Zealand, with the title "Minister for Women".
As much as that title by itself makes you want to vomit, this cunt is now directing significant taxpayer money towards increasing "Welfare benefits".
According to our local TV networks, this is largely directed towards jobs, specifically for women...
As if it's not enough to know that I can't drive on a decently-paved road on my way to work, with the insane taxes here, now I also need to think that my money goes towards "jobs for women".
State-sponsored sexism at its finest.

1.3 Meng Foon $350
As if "Minister for Women" from number 2 was not a retarded enough title, this guy is the proud holder of: "Race Relations Commissioner"
This is a trend that is apparently starting from the US, that police officers apparently need to be more "careful" when dealing with minorities.
As if a minority with a rifle is somehow less dangerous than a white person with the same rifle...
I hate this guy, because every time there is a violent crime reported on the news, where the assailant is black, you will usually see this fucker giving press conferences about how we shouldn't be prejudicial and understand that the ASSAILANT was probably having difficulties, or how the ASSAILANT was mishandled by the police.
Dangerous precedent is already being set by the prosecution of police officers who are just following their training, soon they will become a toothless force unable to help anyone, out of fear of getting fired or even going to prison.
He also believes that the Maori language should be mandatory in schools:

1.4 Laurel Hubbard $500
This is the new most famous Kiwi almost-olympic athelete, earning most gold medals as a female weightlifter.
Only... he is actually a man.
This disgusting clearly-male hog is making a mockery of all sports, going against far-weaker women.
There is some relief from the fact that he was rejected from the Tokyo olympics, but still just the fact that he exists and is allowed to do this...
I personally wish he was a slow premature death from all of his hormone replacement drugs, and that his male skeleton lies under a tombstone with a male name engraved on it.
And he probably won't be the last, it seems that the entirety of sports spokepeople are huge cuckolds regarding this topic:

1.5 Shaun Joseph Keenan $350
This piece of shit stole about half a million from a trust fund.
Without getting into too many details, this particular theft hit hard because some family members were invested there, and as result are at risk of holding significant portions of their assets.
Even though the cunt was convicted, it is still unclear whether the investors in the fund will have to suffer the losses from the theft.
For my family, what was invested there was significant fucking money.
And now he's fucking getting released, after only TWENTY TWO MONTHS

1.6 Michael Wood $350
This dude is our Transport Minister.
Overall most people agree he's quite incompetent (just try getting to another city by bus or train lol).
But the reason he makes my list now, is because of his new genius $685 million plan to build a CYCLING BRIDGE near Waitemata Harbour.
I bet this doesn't sound too bad though, right? A lot of cities have cycling roads. But then if you visit the area, or god-forbid actually live in it, you'd know that the local infrastructure is complete garbage. Driving off the two or three main large avenues, you are almost guaranteed to hit pot holes, or get stuck in endless traffic due to how shit the roads generally are.
And again, NZ has pretty high tax rates, so for a tax-paying local like myself to learn that, while our infrastructure is neglected, a cycling bridge gets built as some sort of political stunt was quite horrifying.

1.7 James Shaw $400
Continuing with politicians with stupid functions, this guy is our Minister of Climate Change.
I'll be needing to buy a new car soon, so imagine my shock when this imbecile wants to subsidize Tesla electric vehicles (EV), and to pay for those subsidies by TAXING REGULAR VEHICLES.
I'm just a simple working class person, there is now way in hell I'll be affording a Tesla anytime soon!
I despise this guy, and everyone else involved in this proposal, because not only does he plan to make it much more expensive for my family to get a new car, but also because these measures absolutely do not work!!
Electric vehicles will still be powered by coal and other polluting forms of energy, and on top of that, Tesla just sells its extra carbon credits so that other companies can pollute more than normally allowed!!
Once again, it is the average citizen and taxpayer who gets the bill, for shameless political popularity stunts by our politicians. Fuck.

1.8 Matthew Aaron Rowland $450
Piece of shit drug dealer who imported about $2 million worth of hard drugs into the country.
NZ is mostly safe from drugs, but what infuriates me about this guy is that he was sentence to only four years in prison, and was released last year after spending in prison only TWO YEARS.
I hate these people so damn much. If you ask me, all countries should follow the example of certain Asian countries that drop the death penalty for drug trafficing.

1.9 Izzzyzzz $400
Infuriating teenage "youtuber".
I was unfortunately introduced to this annoying bitch, when I tried to pay some attention to why my daughter was spending hours upon hours on her tablet.
The thought that my child is spending her precious years watching garbage like this is honestly maddening.
Kids should be exploring the world, learning new things, doing schoolwork. When on a computer or mobile device, they have access to most of the information in recorded human history.
And instead what do they spend their time on? Watching embarrassing people on social media...

1.10 Arthur Allan Thomas $400
This guy is quite a rare piece of filth. Usually stories like this one you see in movies.
In 1970 he murdered two people. If you actually read through the whole story, it's quite obvious that he did it. Everybody thinks so.
But after only nine years it came up that one of the police officers (I think) had planted some evidence to help convict him.
As a result he was pardoned, and given nearly $1 million in compensation.
The murders are still "unsolved" (surprise-surprise).
But now this upstanding citizen is back on the news, this time facing charges of harassing two women!
This is why you shouldn't let the animals out of the cage...

2.1 The Bachelorette $500
Reality TV show where a woman is pursued by 30 men for an entire season, and tries to choose one of them.
Complete and utter garbage, the mere thought that young girls watch this makes me furious. In most episodes the men would jump through flaming hoops, coming up with expensive gifts and other impressive ideas, and then the entitled bitch would cite the wildest reasons for rejecting them: too short, not a great job, doesn't chew well etc.
I caught my wife watching this once and I felt the urge to hang myself right then and there.

2.2 Ministry of Health of New Zealand $400
This page of the Ministry of Health came to my attention recently:
Here you have an official governmental organization, encouraging parents to accept their child's illusions about their gender.
At first they mention expressing support to your child and using their desired pronouns. This is already retarded, but at least no harm is done here, right?
And then they move on to suggest PUBERTY BLOCKERS.
Again, this is your GOVERNMENT telling you that if your son is having psychological problems, or porn-induced gender dysphoria, you should give it fucking PUBERTY BLOCKERS and call him a SHE.

2.3 School Strike for Climate $500
This is a student group, mostly active in Auckland, that organizes school strikes and protests...about climate change?
Yes, this is as retarded as it sounds. A bunch of greasy kids skipping school and blocking streets, is somehow going to influence politicians into protecting the environment?
I hate teenagers. They haven't worked a day in their lives, and yet they are confident they are experts about everything, and also entitled to participate in society.
They don't raise kids, they don't build things, they don't teach, feed or clothe anybody. They only have ONE responsibility: to learn. To go to school, and get knowledge, wisdom and useful skills.
Yet they have the audacity to skip school, that me and the other adults pay for, and go on tantrums in public streets blocking traffic?
But the group itself is not new. The reason why I'm including it in this list now, is that they just announced they are disbanding, because they are apparently racist (!!!)
My favorite quote: "BIPOC communities are disproportionately affected by climate change".
I'm just going to let that last one sink, I don't think it's necessary to describe further.

2.4 RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under $500
Where do I even fucking start with this.
Picture this: your child comes home from school, turns on the TV expecting to see cartoons, and instead is greeted with men, dressed as women, competing for some "Drag Superstar" title.
How the fuck is this acceptable? How?
We have state-owned network, TVNZ, is in part using taxpayer money, to produce and promote a show about transexualism and overall degeneracy.
But honestly more than anything, I have the people who watch this and validate it enough so that it keeps going for a whole season!

2.5 ASB Bank $400
Banks are among the scum of the Earth. They can basically print their own money to loan out as per the fractional reserve banking system, so there is no need anymore to give interest rates on deposits.
In some cases banks may even charge you for the privilege of storing your money!
In the last few days it came to light that "calculator errors" had resulted in people getting overcharged for loan repayments.
Unfortunately such predatory practice is typical among businesses like banks and telecom providers. Since a few cents of dollars overcharged to a few people usually go unnoticed, but when added up can collect quite a profit.
This is just one example of many. I hate modern banks in general, because they can control a country's finance as well as people's livelihoods, without actually adding any real value to an economy.

2.6 reddit $600
I've ended up spending quite some time on reddit over the last years.
At the beginning it was more or less decent, you could find "subreddits" for topics that interest you and more or less stick to those.
But as time went on and reddit became more popular, it rapidly declined in quality.
Now any even slightly controversial communities get banned.
The rest are echo chambers, where a single opinion survives, and all the others get downvoted into oblivion.
Even worse, it is now infested with bots and retards who have shit to advertise, like girls who make money off of online whoring platforms.
I actually challenge you, try to spend a few hours on that website now and see if you can keep your cool.
It is a giant cesspool or effeminate men, who worship women and minorities and praise them for the most easy and mundane accomplishments.
The whole platform actively promotes pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism, atheism and not having children.

2.7 $400
This is a "blog" I recently saw featured on a popular website, about a woman who "likes to travel".
What pisses me off, similarly to number 1, is that this bitch seems to be able to travel all over the world, whenever she wants, in her fucking twenties.
Meanwhile I'm over here slaving for years, and have only left the country I was born in once in my entire life.
What makes this infuriating is that it's not clear if she works for a living, or if she does I honestly have no idea how the fuck does she have enough vacation days to travel this often.
Going through some of her posts can really make you mad: most of them are her bragging about things, or talking about EMPOWERING WOMEN.
Someone should really push her off of one of those cliffs she likes to take selfies on.
My hate here is also directed towards those who enable this kind of living, her sugar daddies and other travelling "sponsors".

2.8 Coin Bureau $350
This is a website and youtube channel that promotes and talks about cryptocurrencies.
Don't get me wrong, I like cryptocurrencies as much as the next guy. But this website and the guy in the videos just showcase everything that people is wrong with cryptos.
Take your pick as to why I hate this channel: clickbait dramatic thumbnails, one-sided research, echo chamber nonsense, shilling shitcoins for other people to buy, presenting price chart technical analysis as fact and so on.

2.9 New Zealand Postal service $350
Ok so why do I hate our postal service? How much worse can it be than the average postal service in other countries? They're all usually pretty bad so it's normal, right?
So what happened with me, is that we made the mistake of ordering a large house appliance from a store that was in another city, around $700 for reference.
When it arrived it was cleared that we made some mistake when ordering it online, it turns out it was not compatible with our flat and we had to return it.
I couldn't take it there myself since it was pretty far, so I tried to return it through NZ post.
Then after a few days, I am informed that the recipient (the store) had refused the package, on grounds that the box was damaged and they could not take responsibility for opening
The store tells me that I need to complain at the postal office, and the postal office tells me that the recipient (the store) needs to complain.
They inevitably return the parcel (which is over 30kg by the way) back to me, and when I try to complain they tell me that I can only apply if the appliance doesn't work.
The problem is that it does work, so I can't complain to the postal office. And the store still won't accept the return because of how damaged the parcel was.
So overall I lost about $200 by having to sell it second-hand to some dude, and I also lost the ~60$ it took to fucking try to return it.
The amounts may not be life-changing, but holy fucking shit the whole experience almost made me lose my mind in anger.

2.10 National Council of Women $600
This one of those "why the fuck does this exit?" cases.
There hasn't been gender inequality, in any shape or form, for many decades now. Yet there are still places like this one that cater to women and promote their ridiculous feminist messages.
These fuckers frequently lobby the government to pass bills that help women (with men paying the bill of course).
On their website they claim that "gender is irrelevant", yet at their events all their speakers just go on and on about how women are more capable than men, how they work harder, how they deserve more care and facilities because they are mothers and so on.

3.1 Auckland landlords $1000
When I finished high school and got my first job, I was able to rent a place pretty much wherever, so I was able to live relatively near to where I worked.
However a few years later when I had to leave that flat, I realized that prices had already gotten quite stingy, by that point I could no longer choose where to live and ended up having to commute around an hour one-way to reach my work.
A few years later and AirBnb is now a thing, and after the latest rent increase it now doesn't make sense to live anywhere inside the city. Now I am forced to live in housing units in the town's asshole, where it is absolutely necessary to drive to work, which fucks up my costs even further.
And now you'd think that after ~15 years of work, that I would be able to buy a house, or at least take out a mortgage, right?
Fuck no. Real estate prices and first deposit minimums are rising much faster than I could ever save.
What the fuck is my only option now? To leave the city where I was born? And then what kind of jobs would I find in rural areas, without university education?
Fuck these people who bought up a ton of houses on the cheap, and their kids who inherited them.
Fuck these hoarders who would rather put their flats on AirBnb for 4 months a year, rather than rent to a good family who needs it.
Fuck them all.

3.2 Participants in the #MeToo movement $500
For those who don't know yet, "MeToo" is a trend where women can name men who have "sexually harassed" them, using the hashtag on social media.
The normalization of blaming people (men) for sexual assault on social media, is absolutely horrifying.
Now any woman, holds in her pocket the power to ruin a man's life with a few clicks.
Usually by the time a man is able to disprove allegations, it will be too late, he may already have been fired or kicked out of his house, and the longterm damage would be done.
Meanwhile the woman faces no consequences!
If you use this for vengeance, or take these allegations anyhow seriously from your position of power: I fucking hate you and wish you terrible things.

3.3 The Maori people $500
These are the indigenous people of the NZ islands.
Much like the native americans in the US, only here we have a fuckton of them.
I hate them, because they seem hell-bent on making life difficult for everyone else.
Government bodies need special Maori representation, laws need to take the Maori people and their suffering into account etc.
They love to call out racism at every little thing, and to get special treatment.
And the worst of all: since April of this year, they now have a dedicated Maori Health Authority!!!

3.4 Voters in a democracy $400
Ok hear me out on this one, absolute democracy sounds nice and stuff because "everybody has a voice", but have we ever stopped to ask ourselves who this everybody is?
You have janitors and burger flippers, with zero education, whose vote counts for just as much as PhD scientists.
I'm not the most educated guy myself, and still I have to acknowledge this. Politics nowadays is about complex financial issues, yet we ask absolutely everyone to decide on those?
I hate these voters so much, because all they do is gte influenced by propaganda. The vote of an experienced economics professor is just cancelled out by a taxi driver who just read somewhere that a candidate may increase the cost of his license.
These people vote only with self-interest in mind, and as a result the land goes to shit.

3.5 Cuckolds $400
Believe it or not, it is now actually a pretty common thing for people to not only allow their partner to have sex with others, but also to enjoy it.
Obviously, this is almost exclusively men who let their women fuck around.
It enrages me incredibly how much this "lifestyle" is promoted in today's pornography and regular media.
Nowadays men come out completely unable to establish meaningful relationships. Everything sexual is fetish-related, and enjoying watching their partner getting fucked by others is just another twisted item in the list.
Traditional family values are under attack, and mainstream shows never miss a chance to normalize these sick "alternative" ways of living.!

3.6 Supporters of "Body Positivity" $450
Another relatively new and just as retarded idea, is that "all bodies are beautiful".
While this probably started in a good way, referring to the disabled, it has since then exclusively been used to normalize obesity.
Anywhere that you look at in the western world, you will see fat people (mostly women for some reason), with captions about health and beauty.
You fucking morons, what is beautiful about high blood pressure and cholesterol? Do they honestly think that diabetes is going to care about whether or not they are "happy" with their bodies?
No. All these whales do is promote and normalize laziness and the idea that not everyone needs to exercise to be healthy if they don't want to.
Absolutely despicable, and at a time when being overweight is being increasingly common worldwide.

3.7 Journalists $500
I hate a special place of hate in my heart for journalists and other news producers.
The way that I see it is this: they are the only profession on earth, who directly benefits off of the misfortune of others
Murderers are bad sure, but they don't necessary "enjoy" murdering.
Journalists I believe are completely sadistic, any natural disaster brings a smile to their face. And even after that, everything that they do is to over-dramaticize things, make them appear worse than they are, make people scared. Because they know that most of their views will come from people who are terrified or pissed.

3.8 Nurses going on strike $400
Going back to some NZ news now, there was recently a pretty big strike by fucking nurses.
I mean, I do understand that maybe you need more money and better working conditions, but godamnit, you are responsible for people's care!
I had an acquaintance recently who was unfortunate enough to have his appendix burst during the strike, he ended up waiting at the hospital for over two fucking hours, practically dying of pain on the floor.
If your strike inconveniences only your fellow citizens, then you are just a fucking lazy cunt and you will accomplish nothing.

3.9 Sugar daddies $350
You probably already know what a sugar daddy is, but just in case you don't: this is what it's called when a man showers a (usually younger) girl in money and gifts, in exchange for company or sex.
Some sugar daddies actually expect sex, others are fine with just sending money remotely in exchange for nudes or whatever.
This is pissing me off every time I think about it. Some bitches are just manipulating vulnerable men out of their hard earned money, and it's ridiculous.
They are not all rich either...

3.10 People who retire early $400
This is another personal one maybe, but I absolutely cannot stand people who get to retire early.
Some people get to enjoy this, either because they were in the military, or in the public sector, or they had many kids or whatever else.
Others may not even need the pension and just quit their jobs because they made it on the stock market or whatever.
And yeah, I still work, I can't retire, I probably won't get to do that anytime soon, so I'm stuck here paying my taxes so that other people don't have to work.
The most infurating part is that, around the 1960s there used to be roughly 6 working people for every person receiving a state pension. By now in some places that ratio is already down to about 2!!
I need to slave so other capable people don't have to: fuck that.

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