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2380d · Memo Suggestions
Probably been suggested before but: Use bits not satoshis. sats are too small. Long term, bits will be like dollars, sats like cents. Standard should be to denominate everything in bits.
replied 2380d
I disagree with this. I think sats are fine.
replied 2380d
Just as I pay three dollars for coffee, not 300 cents, I would prefer to tip five and a half bits rather than 546 satoshis...
replied 2380d
The problem is that you will have to pay like 5 satoshi for the coffee once Bitcoin is widely established, because of the drastic value increase that comes with.
replied 2380d
I can see 1 bit getting closer in value to $1 in the future, but 1satoshi = $1 is... far off...
replied 2380d
And what's the problem here?
replied 2380d
That the high value would pretty much render "bits" useless since you could use satoshi like you use USD
replied 2380d
If that actually happens we would have to change the protocol to add more digits, for divisibility... Then the whole paradigm would have to be changed anyway.
replied 2380d
In any case, the bit~dollar, sat~cent paradigm is more than sufficient for the foreseeable future...
replied 2377d
There have been a few different denominations requested. I'm not sure which BCH will settle on. Thanks for your suggestion.
replied 2377d
Bits sounds so much better.
replied 2377d
Alternative future suggestion : satoshis will be like satoshis, 1 Bitcoin like 1 Bitcoin and everyone will forget about dollars :)
replied 2380d
For bitcoin to be widely used in commerce, we need to adopt a standardized unit of account ASAP. People are used to the $1=100cents paradigm. We should strive for bit~dollar, sat~cent.