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replied 2169d
because people trade BCH and fiat at some rate causes chaos? because the fiat changes in value relative to ... all other assets? or because fiat is being devalued?
replied 2168d
The specific value of BCH can be calculated as a function of energy consumption of the population holding and its velocity.
Any other value offered is a price opportunity.
replied 2167d
& market manipulations are more difficult the more volume there is. e.g. large fiat currencies (dollar, pound, euro) dont change much relative to one another. Aka stable.
replied 2167d
E.g. if everyone stops using bitcoin because it is not useful to them but miners keep mining. price will fall. No matter how much energy miners add price will not increase.
replied 2167d
agree, the price is a function of many things (censorship free, hard cap, not tied to central banks, uncorrelated asset class). Energy input is likely not a factor for price.
replied 2167d
People storing books/quotes on chain value it for censorship resistance (so far worth ~$10/book or 0.01BCH/book).
replied 2167d
Everyone places different value on BCH because of the problems it solves for them. Person making international wires to family values it if fees are lower than competitors.
replied 2167d
And this key point is how BCH ascends:
- by solving more problems at lower 'life energy' costs.
The enormous time*energy costs of AML+KYC are destroying the banksters
replied 2167d
lol yup! they're having to play by the standards they've created to ensure their monopolies. just like taxis complaining about uber drivers not 'following the rules'
replied 2167d
This stability will come as more people use BCH in any of it’s uses (as currency, investment, data storage…)
replied 2167d
Exchange price isn’t a failure point. Price manipulated down does changes BCH’s value as a ‘safe haven’ but does not change it’s other value propositions.
replied 2168d
The values of other cryptos depend on trusting third parties and variables they control.
BCH currenltly has no failure points aside from exchange price manipulation
replied 2168d
BCH has a specific and knowable value - a P2P ability to transfer value unshackled by 3rd party constraints.
Centralized crypto-exchanges artificially challenge this value.
replied 2167d
BCH has knowable value propositions (problems it solves). This does not mean it’s value (aka price) is wholly knowable.