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replied 2328d
So, killing people by mass vote is a form of group decision making?
Wouldn't not killing by discussion also be such?
How do you know murder or theft is what would happen (what is)?
replied 2327d
If people decide to kill then someone dies. I'm not really sure what you are asking. I dont know what would happen. Again, I am not talking about what should happen.
replied 2327d
I don't see how you're talking about what is and not what should happen.
Looks to me like you're doing pure speculation based on your opinions.
replied 2327d
Speculating? Sure. I am not saying there literally is a group of 100 deciding to kill someone. You asked of a group who decided to kill could kill. I am saying yes.
replied 2327d
Fair enough.
Do you think it is possible to influence a group of 100 to not kill someone?