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Not even a week ago Greg Maxwell got caught leading discussion in /r/btc.

Since then it is now largely forgotten and is a distant memory.

Where the conclusion of seemingly many on /r/btc is that yes it was Greg Maxwell, but what he was saying wasn't so bad. I.e they're happy with his content.

To put this in perspective, this is a person who co-founded Blockstream, a company which has probably single-handedly done the most distraction in the Bitcoin community.

/r/btc fails to address the elephant in the room.

Why would Greg Maxwell spend the last 9 odd months pushing narratives into /r/btc? Why would most of these narratives be focused on trying to discredit Craig Steven Wright?

Furthermore, why did some of the moderators of /r/btc ban the only users who actively called the soakpuppetry out? Why then after it's shown that it has been a long process of misinformation do those same moderators lift the ban, since those who have been banned have been shown to be correct?

In my view many in /r/btc have spent too long being influenced by active misinformation. And even when it has shown to most likely be the case the community finds itself in a sort of denial.

Oh how much is forgotten in a week.