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Bitcoin SV – everything you need to know
If you are familiar with the crypto space, you must have heard this story of epic resistance. In November 2018, Bitcoin Cash had a hard fork of the network – a radical upgrade splitting the blockchain in two. Two parties representing each side of the chain clashed in the social media war, possibly leading to the market crash.
The two sides were Bitcoin SV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision or BSV) and Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH ABC). BCH ABC, led by Roger Ver a.k.a. The Bitcoin Jesus was sticking to the position of not implementing any radical changes to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Bitcoin SV and their leader Craig Wright, on the other hand, were promoting increasing the block size from 32Mb to 128Mb.
After the hard fork, both teams started block generation – each of the sides wanted to produce as many blocks as possible to increase the hash rate. In the end, Bitcoin Cash ABC managed to score more and won this battle. However, the hash war was not over just yet…
These are the stories of the past. What we have now are two blockchains. The holders of BCH have two balances – in BCHABC (now Bitcoin Cash) and Bitcoin SV. We have already released a guide on how to get your post-fork coins in Guarda wallets.
Bitcoin SV now exists as a separate entity
>>>> Bitcoin direction in explanation video. By Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain’s Jimmy Nguyen.
For the first episode of The Bitcoin Vision, Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain’s Jimmy Nguyen, comes to you from Seoul, South Korea, one of the hotbeds of cryptocurrency and blockchain in the world. Seoul is the perfect place to talk about Bitcoin SV (BSV)—the rebirth of the original Bitcoin.
Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain's Jimmy Nguyen provides updates on Bitcoin Satoshi Vision scaling test results, OP_RETURN, no limits on data size, and Dr. Craig Wright's vision on putting IP on blockchain. With Bitcoin SV being the only coin staying true to the Satoshi Nakamoto white paper, it is fitting that we bring the updates from Yokohama City, Japan.
Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain's Jimmy Nguyen will be bringing updates on the results of the latest Bitcoin SV Scaling Test Network (STN), giant OP_RETURN data sizes, whatsonchain.com, Cryptofights, and Metanet from Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne is the host of Pause Fest 2019, the world's leading creativity-infused business event.
Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain's Jimmy Nguyen brings updates on the rebranding of the Bitcoin Association, Bitcoin SV V0.1.1 release, Wallet Workshop, EDI to BDI, and the latest installment of 'The Wright Vision.
This week's episode brings us new updates in the ecosystem as BSV finally unleashes the true power of Bitcoin's original design, protocol and Satoshi Vision. bComm Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen gives us the details.
In this episode, Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen gives us updates in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem which include the scaling developments from the Bitcoin SV Node team, Bitgraph, Python BSV Wallet SDK, Dev. Documentation Series, and the new Wright Vision from nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen takes us into his home to give the latest developments in the Bitcoin SV space which includes Easysign, Cryptartica, BSV Information Tools, Metalens, and Play Bitcoin SV.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen shares the big developments in Bitcoin SV this week that will be forever etched in crypto history.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen shares the newest developments in the BSV ecosystem from the beautiful Caribbean island nation of Jamaica! Watch as he shares the latest scaling news, why big blocks on BSV are important to sustain Bitcoin mining profitability, KPool, D://Protocol, The White Wallet, and Centbee.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen rounds up the latest developments and projects that closed a winning week for the Bitcoin SV community.
Complet playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6db-jgWGe5Ws35bRbI6Ig/playlists
>>>>> The roadmap to Genesis: part 1: https://bitcoinsv.io/2019/04/17/the-roadmap-to-genesis-part-1
D://Protocol: https://www.bsvdevs.com/index.php?option=com_jvld&Itemid=1650&view=detail&lid=104
Bottle, a Bitcoin browser https://bottle.bitdb.network/
b:// protocol – Chrome plugin https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/b/eonhdpmmjdekgnmcnpojchndohaeonci/
Blockchair: https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-sv/nodes
BSV 101: https://bsv101.com
Metalens extension: https://metalens.allaboard.cash/
Play Bitcoin SV: https://playbitcoin.cash/
Bitgraph: https://bitgraph.network/
Python BSV Wallet SDK: https://pypi.org/project/bitsv/
MoneyButton's Developer Documentation Series: https://docs.moneybutton.com/
Bitcoin SV security audit: https://coingeek.com/bitcoin-sv-team-fixes-vulnerabilities-that-affected-multiple-bitcoin-blockchains/
GoURL: https://gourl.io/
ElectrumSV Wallet: https://electrumsv.io/
BitcoinMeetup.net: https://bitcoinmeetup.net/
RelayX: https://relayx.io/
wallet: https://guarda.co/
Utility for Devs: https://www.bsvdevs.com/
Teranode: https://nchain.com/en/open-source-projects/
EDI to BDI: https://nchain.com/en/blog/bsv-peer-to-peer-web-payments-and-bookkeeping-new-visions-for-bitcoin-from-dr-craig-s-wright/
Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) is the original Bitcoin releases source code: https://github.com/bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv/releases
If you are familiar with the crypto space, you must have heard this story of epic resistance. In November 2018, Bitcoin Cash had a hard fork of the network – a radical upgrade splitting the blockchain in two. Two parties representing each side of the chain clashed in the social media war, possibly leading to the market crash.
The two sides were Bitcoin SV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision or BSV) and Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH ABC). BCH ABC, led by Roger Ver a.k.a. The Bitcoin Jesus was sticking to the position of not implementing any radical changes to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Bitcoin SV and their leader Craig Wright, on the other hand, were promoting increasing the block size from 32Mb to 128Mb.
After the hard fork, both teams started block generation – each of the sides wanted to produce as many blocks as possible to increase the hash rate. In the end, Bitcoin Cash ABC managed to score more and won this battle. However, the hash war was not over just yet…
These are the stories of the past. What we have now are two blockchains. The holders of BCH have two balances – in BCHABC (now Bitcoin Cash) and Bitcoin SV. We have already released a guide on how to get your post-fork coins in Guarda wallets.
Bitcoin SV now exists as a separate entity
>>>> Bitcoin direction in explanation video. By Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain’s Jimmy Nguyen.
For the first episode of The Bitcoin Vision, Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain’s Jimmy Nguyen, comes to you from Seoul, South Korea, one of the hotbeds of cryptocurrency and blockchain in the world. Seoul is the perfect place to talk about Bitcoin SV (BSV)—the rebirth of the original Bitcoin.
Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain's Jimmy Nguyen provides updates on Bitcoin Satoshi Vision scaling test results, OP_RETURN, no limits on data size, and Dr. Craig Wright's vision on putting IP on blockchain. With Bitcoin SV being the only coin staying true to the Satoshi Nakamoto white paper, it is fitting that we bring the updates from Yokohama City, Japan.
Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain's Jimmy Nguyen will be bringing updates on the results of the latest Bitcoin SV Scaling Test Network (STN), giant OP_RETURN data sizes, whatsonchain.com, Cryptofights, and Metanet from Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne is the host of Pause Fest 2019, the world's leading creativity-infused business event.
Founding President of the Bitcoin Association and nChain's Jimmy Nguyen brings updates on the rebranding of the Bitcoin Association, Bitcoin SV V0.1.1 release, Wallet Workshop, EDI to BDI, and the latest installment of 'The Wright Vision.
This week's episode brings us new updates in the ecosystem as BSV finally unleashes the true power of Bitcoin's original design, protocol and Satoshi Vision. bComm Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen gives us the details.
In this episode, Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen gives us updates in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem which include the scaling developments from the Bitcoin SV Node team, Bitgraph, Python BSV Wallet SDK, Dev. Documentation Series, and the new Wright Vision from nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen takes us into his home to give the latest developments in the Bitcoin SV space which includes Easysign, Cryptartica, BSV Information Tools, Metalens, and Play Bitcoin SV.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen shares the big developments in Bitcoin SV this week that will be forever etched in crypto history.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen shares the newest developments in the BSV ecosystem from the beautiful Caribbean island nation of Jamaica! Watch as he shares the latest scaling news, why big blocks on BSV are important to sustain Bitcoin mining profitability, KPool, D://Protocol, The White Wallet, and Centbee.
Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen rounds up the latest developments and projects that closed a winning week for the Bitcoin SV community.
Complet playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6db-jgWGe5Ws35bRbI6Ig/playlists
>>>>> The roadmap to Genesis: part 1: https://bitcoinsv.io/2019/04/17/the-roadmap-to-genesis-part-1
D://Protocol: https://www.bsvdevs.com/index.php?option=com_jvld&Itemid=1650&view=detail&lid=104
Bottle, a Bitcoin browser https://bottle.bitdb.network/
b:// protocol – Chrome plugin https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/b/eonhdpmmjdekgnmcnpojchndohaeonci/
Blockchair: https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-sv/nodes
BSV 101: https://bsv101.com
Metalens extension: https://metalens.allaboard.cash/
Play Bitcoin SV: https://playbitcoin.cash/
Bitgraph: https://bitgraph.network/
Python BSV Wallet SDK: https://pypi.org/project/bitsv/
MoneyButton's Developer Documentation Series: https://docs.moneybutton.com/
Bitcoin SV security audit: https://coingeek.com/bitcoin-sv-team-fixes-vulnerabilities-that-affected-multiple-bitcoin-blockchains/
GoURL: https://gourl.io/
ElectrumSV Wallet: https://electrumsv.io/
BitcoinMeetup.net: https://bitcoinmeetup.net/
RelayX: https://relayx.io/
wallet: https://guarda.co/
Utility for Devs: https://www.bsvdevs.com/
Teranode: https://nchain.com/en/open-source-projects/
EDI to BDI: https://nchain.com/en/blog/bsv-peer-to-peer-web-payments-and-bookkeeping-new-visions-for-bitcoin-from-dr-craig-s-wright/
Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) is the original Bitcoin releases source code: https://github.com/bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv/releases