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replied 2197d
FBI stats more people are killed with hands & blunt objects kill more people than all rifles (including the dreaded ‘assault rifles’)
replied 2197d
And since you think it's so easy to kill people with a knife, then you can defend your home with a knife. No gun is needed.
replied 2197d
One more for fun 😜
replied 2196d
So true, yet there are reasons enough:

replied 2196d
replied 2197d
Don't you know the rule? We're talking about criminals that won't obey gun laws. Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
replied 2197d
How many criminals were mass shooters? I think 0
replied 2197d
Lol, pretty sure all mass shooters are criminals. How many non-criminals were mass shooters?
replied 2197d
Meaning they weren't criminals until they did the mass shooting act. I really think you knew that though. LMAO
replied 2197d
silly me for thinking you actually wanted to reduce murders with an informed strategy. sounds more like you just want to tell others what to do.