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Let's support, today transactions of BCH overtakes DOGE & LTC. Because CoinEX, whose primary base coin is BCH, becomes the largest market for several coins. Well, my referral code is 'kzyfv'
replied 2390d
Coinex has become my daily trading platform. CET token is doing really good
replied 2390d
I support Coinex
replied 2390d
It's slick. I've been screwing around on it all morning. I'll use it just for BCH markets.
replied 2391d
How does help to increase BCH transaction count? Aren't the exchange actions off-chain? (since they happen on exchange rather than directly on-chain?)
replied 2391d
Through deposits and withdrawals. Also it helps spreading BCH: if BCH pairs have high liquidity, you can trade in a bull market without $50 deposit/withdrawal BTC mining fees.
replied 2390d
By deposit & withdrawals. Recently, I see that many of my friends are urgently buy & deposit their BCH into coinex to buy CET token.