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#hmwyda wishlist:
I've updated my list and hope to get more support. thank you!
1-1. 讨厌郑爽,为了利益, 生了小孩不养, 不负责任 2%
1-1. I hate Zheng Shuang, I'm irresponsible when I have a baby
1-1. https://weibo.com/u/5461016454
1-1. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1689210558365020260&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-2. 讨厌何洁,说话太水,曾经说过被伤害了不结婚,结果又结婚了,感觉他才是背叛者 1%
1-2. Hate he Jie. He talks too much. He once said that he would not marry if he was hurt, but he got married again. I feel that he is the Betrayer
1-2. https://weibo.com/hejie
1-2. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3. 讨厌张恒, 利用小孩来炒作, 获取利益 3%
1-3. I hate Zhang Heng, use children to hype, get benefits
1-3. https://weibo.com/u/1852274825?is_hot=1
1-3. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1695228024229455582&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-4. 讨厌范冰冰,挣那么多钱还要偷税漏岁 2%
1-4. Hate Fan Bingbing, earn so much money and tax evasion
1-4. https://weibo.com/fbb0916
1-4. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html
1-5. 讨厌刘芸,不喜欢她的性格,参加节目太小气 1%
1-5. Hate Liu Yun, don't like her character, participate in the program is too stingy
1-5. https://weibo.com/liuyunliuyun
1-5. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%88%98%E8%8A%B8/21747?fr=aladdin
1-6. 讨厌宁静, 也太能装了, 不喜欢虚伪的人 2%
1-6. Hate NingJing, too hypocritical, do not like her
1-6. https://weibo.com/u/2746203844
1-6. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/431635133986351844.html?fr=iks&word=%C4%FE%BE%B2&ie=gbk
1-7. 讨厌奚梦瑶, 最喜欢假笑, 装清纯 2%
1-7. I hate Xi Mengyao. I like to fake smile and pretend to be pure
1-7. https://weibo.com/ximingxi
1-7. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1995822441094013267.html?fr=iks&word=%DE%C9%C3%CE%D1%FE&ie=gbk
1-8. 讨厌郑凯前女友,程晓玥,感觉不简单,不单纯 1%
1-8. Hate Zheng Kai's ex girlfriend, Cheng Xiaoyue. It's not simple
1-8. https://weibo.com/yvonneching1019
1-8. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1695532227696754748.html?fr=iks&word=%B3%C2%CF%FE%ABh&ie=gbk
1-9. 讨厌郑凯,感觉花心,不负责任 1%
1-9. Hate Zheng Kai, feel he is a playful boy, irresponsible
1-9. https://weibo.com/u/1594941220
1-9. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/264132804849404645.html?fr=iks&word=%D6%A3%BF%AD%D7%CA%C1%CF&ie=gbk
1-10. 讨厌刘强东,出轨的男人都可恶 2%
1-10. Hate Liu qiangdong, men who cheat are hateful
1-10. https://weibo.com/liuqiangdong
1-10. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2123232958074442267.html?fr=iks&word=%C1%F5%C7%BF%B6%AB%B3%F6%B9%EC&ie=gbk
1-11. 李晨靠恋情上位,与范冰冰分手后被实锤“渣男”
1-11. Li Chen is in the top position because of his love affair. After breaking up with Fan Bingbing, he was beaten by a real "slag man"
1-11. https://weibo.com/lichenlichen
1-11. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1664397440552494861&wfr=spider&for=pc
2-1. 讨厌博客中国,里面新闻太杂乱 3%
2-1. Hate microblog, the news is too messy
2-1. https://www.blogcn.co/
2-2. 讨厌抖音,里面炫富,哭穷的太多 3%
2-2. dislike tiktok, too many people show off there.
2-2. https://www.douyin.com/
2-3. 讨厌QQ,工作的时候响了更讨厌 2%
2-3. I hate QQ, especially when it rings at work
2-3. https://www.qq.com/
2-4. 讨厌拼多多,全部弹广告 1%
2-4. Hate to spell more and play all advertisements
2-4. https://www.pinduoduo.com/
2-5. 讨厌花小猪打车软件,比滴滴都贵,搞不懂原因 3%
2-5. I hate huaxiaozhu taxi software, which is more expensive than Didi.
2-5. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%8A%B1%E5%B0%8F%E7%8C%AA%E6%89%93%E8%BD%A6/50010925?fr=aladdin
2-6. 讨厌芒果TV,都是一群笑点低的人在表演 1%
2-6. I hate mango TV. It's all performed by a group of people with low smile
2-6. https://www.mgtv.com/
2-7. 讨厌京东,虚假产品多 2%
2-7. I hate Jingdong. There are many fake products
2-7. https://www.jd.com
2-8. 讨厌淘宝,没有信用,卖虚假产品 1%
2-8. Hate Taobao, no credit, sell fake products
2-8. https://uland.taobao.com/
2-9. 讨厌天天基金,说个啥,都不说重点 2%
2-9. Hate the fund every day, say anything, don't say the point
2-9. https://fund.eastmoney.com/
2-10. 讨厌宏信证卷,股票让我亏了几年积蓄,最后悔的事情 2%
2-10. I hate the stock of Acer. The stock makes me lose my savings for several years. What I regret most
2-10. https://www.hx818.com/index.php
3-1. 华西医生,挂号费贵,看病很快,太敷衍了,浪费钱 2%
3-1. The Doctor of Huaxi, The registration fee is expensive, It's fast to see a doctor, It's too perfunctory and a waste of money
3-1. http://www.wchscu.cn/index.html
3-2. 温江东辰学校老师,为了私利,乱收费,坑学生 1%
3-2. The teacher of Dongchen school in Wenjiang, for self-interest, charges indiscriminately and pits the students
3-2. http://www.dcwgy.com/
3-3. 博骏集团,拖欠货款 2%
3-3. The member of Bojun group, payment in arrears
3-3. https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_detail_53218918241175?rq=es&pd=ee&from=ps
3-4. 融创集团,卖房子没良心,黑心商家 2%
3-4. The employee of Rongchuang group has no conscience in selling houses, and is a black hearted businessman
3-4. http://www.sunac.com.cn
3-5. 华西集团,没实力还修房子 2%
3-5. The employee of Huaxi Group has no strength to repair the house
3-5. http://www.huashi.sc.cn/
3-6. 乐视集团,垃圾企业,让我损失所有存款 5%
3-6. The employee LETV group, Garbage business, let me lose all my savings
3-6. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B9%90%E8%A7%86/1001210?fr=aladdin
3-7. OPPO手机,实物与宣传不符 2%
3-7. The employee of Oppo mobile phone, which is inconsistent with the publicity
3-7. https://www.oppo.com/
3-8. 小米,一个不起眼的品牌,还想做全能厂家 1%
3-8. The employee of Xiaomi, a humble brand, also wants to be an all-around manufacturer
3-8. https://www.mi.com
3-9. MK包包,样式太老,质量与价钱不匹配 2%
3-9. The employee of MK bag is too old, The style is too old, the quality doesn't match the price
3-9. https://www.michaelkors.cn/
3-10. Fion包包,贵的没有道理 3%
3-10. The employee of Fion bag, expensive is unreasonable
3-10. http://www.fion.com.cn/
#hmwyda wishlist:
I've updated my list and hope to get more support. thank you!
1-1. 讨厌郑爽,为了利益, 生了小孩不养, 不负责任 2%
1-1. I hate Zheng Shuang, I'm irresponsible when I have a baby
1-1. https://weibo.com/u/5461016454
1-1. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1689210558365020260&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-2. 讨厌何洁,说话太水,曾经说过被伤害了不结婚,结果又结婚了,感觉他才是背叛者 1%
1-2. Hate he Jie. He talks too much. He once said that he would not marry if he was hurt, but he got married again. I feel that he is the Betrayer
1-2. https://weibo.com/hejie
1-2. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3. 讨厌张恒, 利用小孩来炒作, 获取利益 3%
1-3. I hate Zhang Heng, use children to hype, get benefits
1-3. https://weibo.com/u/1852274825?is_hot=1
1-3. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1695228024229455582&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-4. 讨厌范冰冰,挣那么多钱还要偷税漏岁 2%
1-4. Hate Fan Bingbing, earn so much money and tax evasion
1-4. https://weibo.com/fbb0916
1-4. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html
1-5. 讨厌刘芸,不喜欢她的性格,参加节目太小气 1%
1-5. Hate Liu Yun, don't like her character, participate in the program is too stingy
1-5. https://weibo.com/liuyunliuyun
1-5. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%88%98%E8%8A%B8/21747?fr=aladdin
1-6. 讨厌宁静, 也太能装了, 不喜欢虚伪的人 2%
1-6. Hate NingJing, too hypocritical, do not like her
1-6. https://weibo.com/u/2746203844
1-6. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/431635133986351844.html?fr=iks&word=%C4%FE%BE%B2&ie=gbk
1-7. 讨厌奚梦瑶, 最喜欢假笑, 装清纯 2%
1-7. I hate Xi Mengyao. I like to fake smile and pretend to be pure
1-7. https://weibo.com/ximingxi
1-7. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1995822441094013267.html?fr=iks&word=%DE%C9%C3%CE%D1%FE&ie=gbk
1-8. 讨厌郑凯前女友,程晓玥,感觉不简单,不单纯 1%
1-8. Hate Zheng Kai's ex girlfriend, Cheng Xiaoyue. It's not simple
1-8. https://weibo.com/yvonneching1019
1-8. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1695532227696754748.html?fr=iks&word=%B3%C2%CF%FE%ABh&ie=gbk
1-9. 讨厌郑凯,感觉花心,不负责任 1%
1-9. Hate Zheng Kai, feel he is a playful boy, irresponsible
1-9. https://weibo.com/u/1594941220
1-9. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/264132804849404645.html?fr=iks&word=%D6%A3%BF%AD%D7%CA%C1%CF&ie=gbk
1-10. 讨厌刘强东,出轨的男人都可恶 2%
1-10. Hate Liu qiangdong, men who cheat are hateful
1-10. https://weibo.com/liuqiangdong
1-10. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2123232958074442267.html?fr=iks&word=%C1%F5%C7%BF%B6%AB%B3%F6%B9%EC&ie=gbk
1-11. 李晨靠恋情上位,与范冰冰分手后被实锤“渣男”
1-11. Li Chen is in the top position because of his love affair. After breaking up with Fan Bingbing, he was beaten by a real "slag man"
1-11. https://weibo.com/lichenlichen
1-11. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1664397440552494861&wfr=spider&for=pc
2-1. 讨厌博客中国,里面新闻太杂乱 3%
2-1. Hate microblog, the news is too messy
2-1. https://www.blogcn.co/
2-2. 讨厌抖音,里面炫富,哭穷的太多 3%
2-2. dislike tiktok, too many people show off there.
2-2. https://www.douyin.com/
2-3. 讨厌QQ,工作的时候响了更讨厌 2%
2-3. I hate QQ, especially when it rings at work
2-3. https://www.qq.com/
2-4. 讨厌拼多多,全部弹广告 1%
2-4. Hate to spell more and play all advertisements
2-4. https://www.pinduoduo.com/
2-5. 讨厌花小猪打车软件,比滴滴都贵,搞不懂原因 3%
2-5. I hate huaxiaozhu taxi software, which is more expensive than Didi.
2-5. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%8A%B1%E5%B0%8F%E7%8C%AA%E6%89%93%E8%BD%A6/50010925?fr=aladdin
2-6. 讨厌芒果TV,都是一群笑点低的人在表演 1%
2-6. I hate mango TV. It's all performed by a group of people with low smile
2-6. https://www.mgtv.com/
2-7. 讨厌京东,虚假产品多 2%
2-7. I hate Jingdong. There are many fake products
2-7. https://www.jd.com
2-8. 讨厌淘宝,没有信用,卖虚假产品 1%
2-8. Hate Taobao, no credit, sell fake products
2-8. https://uland.taobao.com/
2-9. 讨厌天天基金,说个啥,都不说重点 2%
2-9. Hate the fund every day, say anything, don't say the point
2-9. https://fund.eastmoney.com/
2-10. 讨厌宏信证卷,股票让我亏了几年积蓄,最后悔的事情 2%
2-10. I hate the stock of Acer. The stock makes me lose my savings for several years. What I regret most
2-10. https://www.hx818.com/index.php
3-1. 华西医生,挂号费贵,看病很快,太敷衍了,浪费钱 2%
3-1. The Doctor of Huaxi, The registration fee is expensive, It's fast to see a doctor, It's too perfunctory and a waste of money
3-1. http://www.wchscu.cn/index.html
3-2. 温江东辰学校老师,为了私利,乱收费,坑学生 1%
3-2. The teacher of Dongchen school in Wenjiang, for self-interest, charges indiscriminately and pits the students
3-2. http://www.dcwgy.com/
3-3. 博骏集团,拖欠货款 2%
3-3. The member of Bojun group, payment in arrears
3-3. https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_detail_53218918241175?rq=es&pd=ee&from=ps
3-4. 融创集团,卖房子没良心,黑心商家 2%
3-4. The employee of Rongchuang group has no conscience in selling houses, and is a black hearted businessman
3-4. http://www.sunac.com.cn
3-5. 华西集团,没实力还修房子 2%
3-5. The employee of Huaxi Group has no strength to repair the house
3-5. http://www.huashi.sc.cn/
3-6. 乐视集团,垃圾企业,让我损失所有存款 5%
3-6. The employee LETV group, Garbage business, let me lose all my savings
3-6. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B9%90%E8%A7%86/1001210?fr=aladdin
3-7. OPPO手机,实物与宣传不符 2%
3-7. The employee of Oppo mobile phone, which is inconsistent with the publicity
3-7. https://www.oppo.com/
3-8. 小米,一个不起眼的品牌,还想做全能厂家 1%
3-8. The employee of Xiaomi, a humble brand, also wants to be an all-around manufacturer
3-8. https://www.mi.com
3-9. MK包包,样式太老,质量与价钱不匹配 2%
3-9. The employee of MK bag is too old, The style is too old, the quality doesn't match the price
3-9. https://www.michaelkors.cn/
3-10. Fion包包,贵的没有道理 3%
3-10. The employee of Fion bag, expensive is unreasonable
3-10. http://www.fion.com.cn/