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2128d · Capitalism
Competition is a great thing, but modern "capitalism" isn't promoting competition anymore. We're returning to robber baron levels of centralization, (regional) monopolies and price coordination
replied 2127d
No, forced competition is not a great thing. Cooperation is. There is a saying: "Necessity is mother of all inventions" which means it is best when things are created / invented when there is an actual problem and need for a solution. What Capitalism is doing is making people trying to come up with any way to make people spend their money, for things that are not even needed (where advertising comes into play as it is their tool to make you buy things you don't need, and to think the way you normally wouldn't) which will always make some people come up with thing that are not even beneficial to us, but are sold to us as such. Capitalism doesn't do things for the good of the society, it does it for profiteering of small number of individuals so what we have is natural progression of Capitalism.