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replied 2342d
Since storms dknt perform background checks, then use. You putting "known" in there changes things a lot.
replied 2342d
So your assumption that criminals won't be shunned in society is based on their crimes remaining unknown? So if they are known, they would be shunned?
replied 2342d
Sure, but shunned is a different issue. There are other reasons one can have difficulty in society. Not all those reasons are a mental illness.
replied 2342d
Would you agree that there is something seriously wrong with a person that commits random acts of violence?
replied 2342d
Sure, for a given value of seriously.
replied 2342d
Is there a major difference between having something seriously wrong with you (mentally or behaviorally) and being insane?
replied 2342d
Yes, they are two separate classifications. You can be a bad person without any mental illness. It is more common to be a bad person and same then a bad person with a mental illness.
replied 2342d
So evil vs insane? How do you tell the difference between a person doing evil deeds because he is evil and a person doing evil deeds because he is insane?
replied 2341d
The presence of a mental illness is what differentiates between those.
replied 2339d
You're just repeating the classification. I'm asking how do you tell the difference? People don't have labels on them displaying their mental classification.
replied 2339d
A doctor usually. Symptoms let you know. Violent crime isn't a symptom.
replied 2339d
Obviously a doctor is the person doing the evaluation. Obviously they use "symptoms". I bet violent crime can be seen as a symptom.