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2393d · Random acts of Handcash
Is hand cash not available on iOS yet? Went to give it a try but can't find it in the store. Do I need to whip out my android to claim a $handle?
replied 2393d
Very close, *pop* is releasing today,
iOs sssoooooon.
replied 2392d
I’m dieing for IOS
replied 2392d
please, don't die for it Laura
how will you pop?
replied 2392d
I won’t die but I’m almost giddy over handcadh on my phone 😜😳
replied 2392d
It’s killing me smalls 😂 so do I stay with 1 handle or when handcash gets running on IOS should I do 2 handles? 1 on phone 2nd on tablet your thoughts 🤔🤷‍♀️