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After I asked Nyawang to join Memo we started to play around and realized he is able to receive BCH not send. And we could only find 1 wallet. Does anyone have suggestions, he is in Tibet.
replied 2313d
@cointext maybe he can help them translate for them and be paid, if they have cellular phones there.
replied 2312d
I asked Vin and he said that Tibet is very technologically challenged
replied 2313d
We believe it is illegal here. We could also only find 1 wallet to download. Everything is illegal in Tibet including Facebook
replied 2313d
Posting to memo is illegal?
Who is "we"?
replied 2312d
Not posting to memocash. Crypto is and “we” is my guide here in Tibet
replied 2312d
WOW. How? Why? What happens? How would they know?
replied 2312d
Tibet is a communist country. I will explain more when I get home. I leave for the states tonight.
replied 2312d
I hope your trip to the states is going well with minimum TSA sexual predation or otherwise invasion of your personal space.
replied 2312d
Lol yes I have been violated many times on this trip.
replied 2311d
:C This is why I talk about anarchism/voluntaryism whenever I can.
replied 2312d
China recently came out supporting their citizens right to own cryptocurrency i thought...
replied 2311d
Even though Tibet is considered part of China. They have a totally different set of laws for the Tibetan people. It is very sad
replied 2313d
I'm going to have a talk with Yamantaka about that...
replied 2312d
Who is that?
replied 2312d
Tibetan Buddhist death god, lord of wrathful deities :)