If by "tell you how to run your land" you mean be willing to take part in the democratic process, then to a point, yes. Maybe after having lived there for a period.
If by democratic process you mean decisions made by majority, how isn't that other people telling you how to live, foreign or domestic?
Not mob rule. That is direct democracy, which often isn't very good. Representative democracy, aka a republic, is quite civilised. Either way yes, that is civilization.
You can't have a republic without a constitution and enforcement mechanisms that are very very difficult to change or "reinterpret" via changing the language.
And if the consensus is that no centralized global governing body has any authority over any countries internal affairs or their relationships with other sovereign independent nations?
As long as those internal affairs do not violate a global constitution. Also sovereignty needs to be diminished. National sovereignty is not a good thing.
Who writes the "global constitution"? I'll tell you - the rich and powerful corporate elites of the world who wish to continue paying no taxes and paying their workers slave wages.
Ok, what if they're given the supreme power you'd like to give them and then then they change it to something that's NOT "pretty solid"? Ever seen Star Wars?
So a unanimous vote? lol, what are you smoking? The Empire form Star Wars = universal government who threatens your home with a super-weapon if you don't obey them. 100% appropriate.
This is all drastically oversimplified. It isn't just a one time here is a consitutuoks someone whipped up. Vote yes or have it forced. They would form it together.
On the contrary, the devil is in all the tiny little details that benefit one country and rape others in the name of "greater good" or as the UN calls it "sustainable development"
Globalization is fine. A bureaucracy picking winners and losers is counterproductive to fair global trade. It only props up the monopolies that are responsible for it's existence.
Then dont have a bureaucracy picking winners and losers in trade. Free trade would work better. The less restrictions on the movement of assets the better.
Better to ask, how is it not? It allows a couple layers of sober thought between mob rule and actual rule, while maintaining the collective will of the people.
It is not civilized because it is based on being ruled, whether that be "mob rule" or "actual rule": 100% consent is not ascertained by every single individual; aka, slavery.
Hierarchies are a good thing, and a mark of a civilization. It isn't slavery to have people in charge. Slavery is something very specific. Not just general leadership.
What is slavery? If owing 100% of someone's labor is slavery, is owning 1% of their labor something different? With people in charge, how are those who do not consent, consenting?
No one owns your labour in the current system but yourself. You sell your labour. Someone will purchase your labour if they have a demand for it. What labour you offer matters.