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replied 2284d
The truth is humanity is very old and civilizations come and go because the Earth changes and habitable places do too so people forget where they once were. Simple.
replied 2284d
Yes, and no. Sure humanity is old, but we never saw big civilizations until farming crops became possible about 12000years ago.
replied 2284d
This is incorrect. The pyramids in South America are over 20000 years old. They're so old their bases are covered in forests. The vast majority of technology has been here before.
replied 2283d
I think you likely added a zero to that.
replied 2275d
Nope. 20 THOUSAND with a T, years old. The history you were taught was a self-serving history formulated by Europeans so they could steal the 'new world'. It was only new to them.
replied 2275d
I understand human migration, and no history is not lies taught by Europeans. Obviously there was people here long before European settlers, it not large civilizations that old.
replied 2275d
You have not done enough reading.
replied 2275d
I am well aware that there was migration to the Americas before the land bridge migration. This link doesnt claim there were massive cities 20000 years ago though.
replied 2275d
It shows you that there were people here tens of thousands of years ago and that they were negros. Which is completely contradictory to mainstream history. There's more links google em
replied 2275d
Interesting change of topic. Yes I know there is evidence of African, and Australian aboriginal migration to South America. You confuse grade school history with mainstream history.
replied 2275d
Doesn't matter what you call it really. The official story line of transatlantic slave trade etc. is a lie. It was created to support European colonialism Not sure how thats mainstream
replied 2275d
That is not mainstream. That is wrong. Slavery did happen. There was a slave trade.