Create account

replied 2438d
Reina Nakamoto
Still need way to see people's balances so you can find who need tips. I *think* it's possible. But if address hasn't posted anything or set a name, you don't know they're here.
replied 2433d
Check profiles. In the menu. Suppose you could write a script to get the full output and lookup the balance of the addresses in parentheses.
replied 2433d
Add btn to memo++ chrome ext I meany. Any addr can be user tho, profiles page is just users who created address through site, but not necessarily all users of memo protocol.
replied 2433d
Could work entirely from tips. A "new to memo" account that would make a new memo with the addresses/new profiles with a like/tip button for each new account. Could even show balances.
replied 2433d
Hmm right, but users that sign up on would be the target for tips right? Maybe a memo feature to broadcast new accounts every x amount of blocks?
replied 2433d
User modulus could maybe add button to profiles page to load balances of all users, but couldn't sort by that. Think memo could add that to the site. Some of their AJAX is hacky IMO.
replied 2433d
When memo++ adds balances, how about adding money button so community can fund them right up, if they are 0.00000000?! @memo @modulus
replied 2433d
I figured out can use web api to get a balance of public address. For instance, here's mine: