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En Fri Mand
replied 2374d
This is kinda like, it looks like.
replied 2374d
replied 2374d
the @unwriter building building building :)

En Fri Mand
replied 2373d
cool they added comments! i have waited for that.
replied 2373d
commenting thru a link to the mttr blog was awkward,
I'm just happy mttr didn't disappear :)
replied 2374d
Memo is so cool somebody is trying to rip Memo off...fuck that copycat though...also someone squatted on Memopay domains...Tracy worked so hard on that...
replied 2374d
i see matter as a memo extension,
testing the market.

re MemoPay *RATBAGS*
private conversations are important.
Broadcasting to the public world has consequences,
not always pleasant.
replied 2373d
I respect your opinion, totally didnt get that from their page, you must know something I dont...
replied 2373d
I probably do :)
replied 2373d
hey, how do you do these linebreaks in memo messages?
replied 2373d
quite simple,

I click the 'enter' button
on my keypad!
replied 2373d
even though it says enter,
maybe it's the 'return' key :)
replied 2373d
this is a test enter now=>
linebreak test
replied 2373d
@memo if I want to linebreak by pressing the "enter" key it works here in the reply function
but if I try the same in a Topic "enter" will broadcast the message :P
replied 2373d
Thanks for reporting, this is on our list of things to fix.
replied 2373d
@memo linebreaks are working in <textarea> but not in <input> fields.
replied 2373d
Lol mine won’t do it here or on twitter either. It must be an iPhone thing
replied 2373d
Memo doesn't have long form content yet.
En Fri Mand
replied 2373d
Mttr is not a copy of memo. it's for another use case
replied 2374d
En Fri Mand
replied 2373d
interesting! :O
replied 2374d
Only it's specifically made for books and other "dangerous" text, and has no social media features. Designed for very comfortable reading using industry standard formats and fonts ;)
replied 2374d
No plans to be anything else, and will of course have mobile apps and other things so you can read illegal and dangerous books anywhere in the world, comfortably, without censorship
En Fri Mand
replied 2374d
I like that!
replied 2373d
I've been looking for a protocol like this to build a website for!

A few things...
replied 2373d
1. Need a way to add custom metadata, such as the ones listed in the link above. Maybe one metadata item per tx, with a new prefix.

2. Would rather have markdown instead of HTML.
replied 2373d
3. First or last tx should reference number of chunks total, to prevent more chunks from being added on in the future after the book has already become popular.
replied 2373d
4. What if someone creates two books with the same address? Second one is ignored?

Can you message me on twitter (@revofever)? I want to work together :)
replied 2373d
1) Author, title implemented, more metadata soon
2) HTML makes it more customizable
3) There'll be some protocol-level limitations on edits after a certain time, etc
replied 2373d
4) If someone creates two books accidentally (won't be possible with the official client) it will only display the first one received, although if the last one is longer, theres issues
replied 2373d
Got "phone shadow-banned" from twitter for preaching BCH, but you can hit me up on telegram
En Fri Mand
replied 2374d
Not completely though