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replied 2317d
Nothing on there addresses the bottlenecks we saw during the last few stress tests. Why bump up block size to 128 MB (or at all) when it's clear we can't safely make 32 MB blocks yet?
replied 2317d
Why is it taking so long to fix the bottlenecks? It's been 8 months.
replied 2317d
8 months since... ? These stress test were in the last few months and were our first real chance to see how the network would practically handle such an influx of transactions.
replied 2317d
Yep you are right. I was thinking back to the last upgrade, but the stress test was done in Sept. Brain Fart.
replied 2316d
🧠💨 lol 😂
replied 2317d
replied 2316d
This guy said what I was trying to say to you but in a much better way.
replied 2317d
Questions is why any of the groups aren’t putting full energy into ATMP and block propagation bottlenecks
replied 2317d
Your argument dismantles itself, because then you could say we definitely don't need CTOR because it's just premature optimization not needed yet.
replied 2317d
When did I make an argument? Or even mention CTOR? Im just asking a question, and pointing out the obvious.