Create account

replied 2352d
I made you a quick logo, if you want you can use it.
replied 2352d
wow! i like the idea! could you please make both words italic and with Menlo font? please :)
replied 2352d
Here you go!
replied 2352d
Here is an alternative with italic and half Menlo and half Roboto
replied 2352d
this is my favorite one!
replied 2352d
Okay then I have to variants here, the one you like in big
and another one in big
replied 2352d
thank you so much! I very appreciate your contribution !
replied 2352d
Could you put the BCH symbol inside the O ??? would that look any good ??
replied 2352d
You're welcome!
replied 2352d
As an addition, they're not bigger they just don't have any white space around them as in the images before.
replied 2352d
The second logo with the "memo" as the whole width is pretty sweet 👍
replied 2352d
cool! have tried it for memopay account, unfortunately it looks too tiny :( check it out
replied 2352d
Maybe try this version If not I can make a bigger version of the previous one.