#hmwyda wishlist:
1. I hate Zheng Shuang. I'm irresponsible when I have a baby(
https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1689210558365020260&wfr=spider&for=pc ) 2%
2. Hate he Jie. He talks too much. He once said that he would not marry if he was hurt, but he got married again. I feel that he is the Betrayer(
https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc ) 1%
3. I hate angleboy. I don't feel very reliable. I have no ability. Why is it so popular(
https://www.sohu.com/a/216523486_ 381922) 3%
4. I hate Fan Bingbing. I feel like I can put it on(
https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html ) 2%
5. Hate Liu Yun, don't like her character, participate in the program is too stingy(
https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%88%98%E8%8A%B8/21747?fr=aladdin ) 1%
6. People who hate tranquility and can pretend too much, and don't like to pretend(
https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/431635133986351844.html?fr=iks&word=%C4%FE%BE%B2&ie=gbk ) 2%
7. I hate Xi Mengyao. I like to fake smile and pretend to be pure(
https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1995822441094013267.html?fr=iks&word=%DE%C9%C3%CE%D1%FE&ie=gbk ) 2%
8. Hate Zheng Kai's ex girlfriend, Cheng Xiaoyue. It's not simple(
https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1695532227696754748.html?fr=iks&word=%B3%C2%CF%FE%ABh&ie=gbk ) 1%
9. Hate Zheng Kai and feel like a flower(
https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/264132804849404645.html?fr=iks&word=%D6%A3%BF%AD%D7%CA%C1%CF&ie=gbk ) 1%
10. Hate Liu qiangdong, men who cheat are hateful(
https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2123232958074442267.html?fr=iks&word=%C1%F5%C7%BF%B6%AB%B3%F6%B9%EC&ie=gbk ) 2%
1. Hate microblog, the news is too messy(
https://weibo.com/ ) 3%
2. dislike the jitter, and show off tiktok, too much.
https://www.douyin.com/ ) 3%
3. I hate QQ, especially when it rings at work(
https://www.qq.com/ ) 2%
4. Hate to spell more and play all advertisements(
https://www.pinduoduo.com/ ) 1%
5. I hate huaxiaozhu taxi software, which is more expensive than Didi. I can't understand why(
https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%8A%B1%E5%B0%8F%E7%8C%AA%E6%89%93%E8%BD%A6/50010925?fr=aladdin ) 3%
6. I hate mango TV. It's all performed by a group of people with low smile(
https://www.mgtv.com/ ) 1%
7. I hate Jingdong. There are many fake products(
https://www.jd.com ) 2%
8. Hate Taobao, no credit, sell fake products(
https://uland.taobao.com/ ) 1%
9. Hate the fund every day, say anything, don't say the point(
https://fund.eastmoney.com/ ) 2%
10. I hate the stock of Acer. The stock makes me lose my savings for several years. What I regret most(
https://www.hx818.com/index.php ) 2%
1. The Doctor of Huaxi, the registration fee is expensive, 2 minutes(
http://www.wchscu.cn/index.html ) 2%
2. The teacher of Dongchen school in Wenjiang, for self-interest, charges indiscriminately and pits the students(
http://www.dcwgy.com/ ) 1%
3. The member of Bojun group, payment in arrears(
https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_ detail_ 53218918241175?rq=es&pd=ee&from=ps) 2%
4. The employee of Rongchuang group has no conscience in selling houses, and is a black hearted businessman(
http://www.sunac.com.cn ) 2%
5. The employee of Huaxi Group has no strength to repair the house(
http://www.huashi.sc.cn/ ) 2%
6. The employee LETV group, a word pit(
https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B9%90%E8%A7%86/1001210?fr=aladdin ) 1%
7. The employee of Oppo mobile phone, which is inconsistent with the publicity(
https://www.oppo.com/cn/ ) 2%
8. The employee of Xiaomi, a humble brand, also wants to be an all-around manufacturer(
https://www.mi.com/?masid=2701.0001 ) 1%
9. The employee of MK bag is too old for money(
https://www.michaelkors.cn/ ) 2%
10. The employee of Fion bag, expensive is unreasonable(
http://www.fion.com.cn/ ) 3%
this one is finnal version.