Create account

replied 2363d
The mute function should only work on a per account basis. The post will still show on the blockchain and as a default until an account mutes that person.
replied 2363d
I'm not trying to be critical but what do you pay #Memo?
replied 2363d
Nobody pays memo, but I want it to be substantial content, not ads and people telling me that Obama fucked my wife and is the antichrist gay lizard jew muslim.
replied 2363d
Loaded question, but what type of content would you like to see? Or what usage would you be looking for?
replied 2363d
Not what I want to see, but what I don't want to see. I just want a way for users to be able to hide/mute content that they don't like. As Memo grows, so will incentive to spam ads.
replied 2363d
replied 2363d
You pay to get your post on the blockchain. Right?
replied 2363d
Yes. But not memo.
replied 2363d
Also, who enables #Memo to grow? The reader or the poster?
replied 2363d
We want to encourage new posts on #Memo. More posts = more transactions.
replied 2363d
replied 2363d
Even if it's a bunch of "$100 = 100 penis enlargement pills, grow your dong 99 inches in 3 hours!" posts?
replied 2363d
Theoretically, if we got 1 million new posts, that is 1 million new transactions on Bitcoin Cash...
replied 2363d
It's about the content.
replied 2363d
There must be an incentive for content creators to add content to the network.
replied 2363d
But at the same time you don't want memo to be filled with penis enlargement pill ad posts. Pretty sure that would stifle growth as well.
replied 2363d
I understand your stance. But, we need to figure out a reasonable balance here. Again, we want more transactions on Bitcoin Cash don't we?
replied 2362d
We want more utility. Transaction count is not an end, just a signal we are doing well.
replied 2362d
Utility will improve as transactions increase. The network effects grow. We need a bigger footprint.