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Memo is cool, memo is fantastic but if you look at the stats, the users are not coming. Just like crypto. We have to drag them here. Are you letting your people know that this site exist? I say to everyone I meet ^_^
replied 2441d
Hey, i'm here. Relax.
replied 2441d
Honestly, to put it plainly Memo has way too many issues. The cost, even just 1,000 bits put's people off due to the inaccessibility of faucets, and the concept of paying for posts.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2441d
I disagree. This is a Metcalfes law chicken and egg problem. People don't use memo because there aren't many people using memo.
replied 2441d
memo-protocol is a few months old, it is a baby. it is here to stay
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2441d
I agree! We are the earliest of the first adopters of the gold standard of social media. Adoption will be slow at first, then it will grow at exponential rate until it's ubiquitous.
replied 2441d
I think many don't realize that... we are in a free advertising mode here.
replied 2441d
or advertisements free mode :D
replied 2441d
sure there are things to improve but I rather paying for my post less than a cent, than having to be bombarded by all sorts of stupid advs on twitter, facebook and instagram.
replied 2441d
and your data farmed and sold
replied 2441d
Like it or not, most of the brain dead public doesn't mind getting spied on and force fed ads for the sake of free content.
replied 2441d
They are coming. Just at a slow pace. But same with spending. You can't spend it anywhere, and until that happens growth will be slow.
replied 2441d
(2/2) to change this a lot of education would be required but as mentioned before people would accept convenience and ease over benefits. (my view)
replied 2441d
(1/2) I reckon that the biggest barrier of entry is the fact everything is paid for (except browsing) on memo. Many people are alien to the concept of paid social media.
replied 2441d
I share, but I’m an old stinky man, and nobody likes talking to old stinky men
replied 2441d
replied 2441d
replied 2441d
replied 2441d
It's really neat. It's the first decentralized tweet platform I've used and filling up the account with new BCH assets is really fast (just loaded another 1.23 USD and took 5 sec).
replied 2437d
Posted to FB about it. Talked about it at work. Going to have to try and work harder.