#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 習近平。 全體中國總統。 統治著整個國家。 支持死刑。 他是一個非常恐怖的人。
1.1 Xi Jinping 42%. President of the People's Republic of China. Supporter of the death penalty. he is a very scary person.
1.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping
1.2 李克強 中國一個政黨的領導人。 按照總統的命令開槍射擊人。
1.2 Li Keqiang 25%. The leader of a political party in China. Shoots people by order of the president.
1.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Keqiang
1.3 胡錦濤 我認為他是來自另一個國家的間諜。 他是中國最高職位。
1.3 Hu Jintao 15%. In my opinion, he is a spy from another country. He holds the highest post in China.
1.3 https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15029
1.4 江澤民 共產。 管理國家財政。 由於他,許多人變得更加貧窮。
1.4 Jiang Zemin 41%. Communist. Manages the finances of the state. Because of him, many people become poorer.
1.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiang_Zemin
1.5 筆·勞桑。 據謠言說,這是腐敗的政治家。 他偷了中國公民的錢。 賊。
1.5 Pen Liyan 19%. According to rumors, it is a coated politician. He steals money from Chinese citizens. Thief.
1.5 http...