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2092d · Bitcoin SV
I have a feeling the trolls will still be in this thread bashing BSV even after BTC and BCH are dead and buried and BSV is the only crypto around. Sad. Hey trolls... check that price boost!
replied 2092d
And btw Your Glorious Leader is a Big Fat Fraud! Haha! I’m a better coder than him bahahaha .. full of 💩 he is a dr of theology lololol.. crypto . U can’t make this up lol
replied 2092d
74% volume of bsv trading from upbit - a notorious Korean exchange. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya ;)
replied 2092d
I don't spend a lot of time bashing BSV. When the subject comes up, I point out that it's a con, recommend legit crypto like real Bitcoin (BCH) or old Bitcoin (BTC), and move on.