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replied 2239d
Hi V,
can you confirm for me what version you are using?
Myself and many others seem to have no issue posting or replying.
replied 2239d
I'm on 0.3.551 on Google Pixel Android 8
replied 2239d
Hmm. Not to ask the obvious, but you've ensured you're entering the correct password when prompted/have signed in through the app at some point?
replied 2239d
Yeah i use a password manager. It's a direct copy/paste.
replied 2239d
Interesting. The reason I ask is I've been doing all this correspondence with people using only the app without issue. What phone are you using?
replied 2239d
Google Pixel
replied 2239d
Thank you, I'll look into it when I get a chance and will update you when I've got a fix. Puzzling.
replied 2239d
If there is some way I can send logs or something let me know.