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2350d · memo
Will have global trending list?
replied 2349d
The ranked posts page is the global trending list.
replied 2348d
I think it should be called «Trending» instead. What’s «trending» is better for newcomers too, as they are familiar with the term, and it is the first they see here on memo.
replied 2348d
I mean separate global real-time updating list of hashtags, old Twitter style. "Ranked" can and will consist multiple memos of the same hashtag
replied 2348d
Is the new "Trending" tags page similar to what you're talking about? I'm not familiar with the old Twitter style ranking, can you explain? Thanks for your input :)
replied 2347d
Pretty much, thanks for pointing out. Personally, I would like to see all main functions on the on page just like with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Thx for the hard work