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replied 2399d
Do you know when the problem will be fixed? I'm getting like 10 minute delays on my posts.
replied 2399d
Unfortunately I think it will take some time. Hopefully it'll ready for real stress day, 9/1, though. This is what (mini) stress tests are for, to expose these types of issues :)
replied 2399d
So Memo is gonna be broke until the end of the stress test? :/
replied 2399d
I just released a change that might fix it. If not, I'll keep trying to see what I can do.
replied 2399d
Yeah, it's still being slow i think. Better to hash out these issues now than stress test day.
replied 2399d
I updated it again. It seems to be working a little better now.
replied 2397d
would it help if you had warning when the next little test happens?
replied 2397d
It wouldn't hurt. Though the site is monitored pretty closely with alerts, etc.
replied 2399d
First one works. Then the others take forever to broadcast to chain or don't ever broadcast at all.