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"Human" is one of those English words that has multiple meanings because of how it sounds. This is a phenomenon across languages, but particularly English. English translations of the Bible will tend to replace the Hebrew word הָֽאָדָם ha-a-dam "Adam" with Man. Likewise the Greek word anthropos means Man. The name Adam is actually the Hebrew word for Man. It literally means "of the earth". What makes Man unique among creatures is being made in the image and likeness of e-lo-him or God. Scholars have noted that the Hebrew word for God is rendered in many places as plural, which implies many gods. Jesus Christ reveals that God is three Persons—a Trinity—therefore, when viewed through a New Testament lens, the plural form of the Hebrew word elohim is not contradictory, it merely took time to be revealed. As for the word Human in the Bible—when you go to the original languages, you just won't find it.

You will find an early version of the word in Latin: hu...