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2389d · memo
i have too much free time lol. I've updated my extension to make browsing memo a pleasant experience ! (no offense) --> <--
replied 2389d
That looks really good, dude!
replied 2389d
Hey wanna join forces?
replied 2389d
Sure :) I don't really know how, but you can use what I've done (Since you seem know more). Just credit me or something 😄
replied 2388d
My extn is on do you have repo for yours?
replied 2388d My code is messy... I will install your app and work around it instead doing it on my own
replied 2388d
I tried adding your CSS to my extn and for the most part it works, just some wonky parts where our css overwrite each other. Also I mainly use dark mode, so I rarely check default
replied 2388d
Do Firefox extensions work on Firefox mobile? Too lazy to check. Chrome extensions don't.
replied 2387d
Dark theme with the Firefox memo extension is very pleasant for night viewing :)
replied 2388d
they do ! You have to disable the extn entirely if a page is broken though