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replied 2270d
In my opinion u've too much money. What's next? Shall I rob u?
replied 2269d
I don't think you know what having too much money means
replied 2268d
Doesn't matter if I'm the commissar to decide. Compassionate socialists were first to be robbed, raped and killed during Russian revolution. Read more books
replied 2268d
Compassionate socialists first to be robbed & killed? What books are you reading? Did you know that Communist revolution was hijacked and that Communism never happened in Soviet Union?
replied 2267d
It wasn't hijacked. That is the reality of communism. It tells you it is all about being equal, but then the boot comes down on your throat. Communism has been tried many times.
replied 2267d
Do u believe that u personally are able to bring the utopia other people failed to deliver over numerous attempts? If so, u deserve the first bullet
replied 2267d
What I am doing is called educating people who are brainwashed by system disguising itself as freedom and other shit you dumbffucks believe. Its promoting a BETTER SOCIETY you fuckhead
replied 2267d
Totally not a lunatic
replied 2267d
You can go eat some shit then when you are done with that go fuck yourself.
replied 2267d
It can't happen anywhere, cos homo sapiens aren't blank slates. Just the blankest of all animals. Sex and food, now accompanied by decent medicine and a lot of flashy stuff on screens
replied 2267d
If you want to say we should accept shit society because we are just animals then first thing we should do is abolish private property as no such thing exists in nature/animal world.
replied 2267d
We are one of the fittest among animals, we use tools in a supreme manner. Why give it up and start to get eaten by big cats and reptiles again? Shoot them with a rifle
replied 2267d
You are dumb
replied 2267d
And u're extremely smart
replied 2268d
Stalin was no Socialist or Communist, he was being aided by the west to prevent Communism taking place... they installed State Capitalism there back then & labeled it as Communism.
replied 2268d
Its same shit that happened with Bitcoin in BTC, it got hijacked and turned into something different while maintaining the same label. Books have propaganda and lies in them also.
replied 2267d
The USSR never had state capitalism. State capitalism is in nations like Norway, and South Korea.
replied 2267d
Nope, you have no clue what you are saying. Its all wrong.
replied 2267d
I speak the facts, you just declare absurdities. You seem to think your word is all that matters, but in reality people have to back up their claims. You never back up anything you say
replied 2268d
Those with “a lot” will make rules to protect theirs & force people like you to figuratively self-immolate in the name of equality and fairness like always.
replied 2268d
you will not be the one deciding what is "too much".
replied 2268d
I am not worried about that at all :-)
replied 2267d
"The deep state, which consists of top richest capitalists, are that un-elected government (hence the term deep state) they control the politics, & they are the ones directing it all."
replied 2267d
Ioverhe various definitions of what people mean by the "deep state" and all the absurdity that comes with it. Corruption exists, but not in this Hollywood type of form.
replied 2267d
just quoting ED as an example of him (i think correctly) thinking that those with money can buy political power to insulate themselves from market force.
replied 2267d
I realised after I wasn't responding to him. I get mixed up with long threads on mobile sometimes.
replied 2267d
cant believe you post on mobile! i can barely keep up on desktop.
replied 2266d
I try to almost never use my desktop.
replied 2266d
whatever works for you! 🤷‍♀️
replied 2266d
How do you use mobile? I mainly used it when the memo app @blake made was working.
Now that it keeps crashing, I've mostly given up, although the captcha is easier than most others...
replied 2266d
I never use the app. I just use my Chrome browser. I am more use to it on my phone than on my desktop. That said there is little difference that I can see. Guess I am just use to it.
replied 2266d
replied 2266d
Chrome? Have you tried Firefox? Brave? Are you on Android or iOS?
replied 2266d
I use Andraoid. I have tried Brave for a bit, but didnt care for it. Chrome works best for me. I use to use the Chromebook while in university.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2267d
Building your ivory tower higher only makes your fall more deadly.
replied 2267d
replied 2267d
Listen to yourself, who else can BUY OUT the politician if not those with most money? You really are completely clueless. Do you get paid to do this?
replied 2265d
cat got your tongue, ED?
replied 2265d
Na, just can't be fucked replying to every single stupid post
replied 2267d
However, as you’ve said, those with “too much” have always been able to twist rules to suit themselves.
replied 2267d
on this point I agree with you. I’m wondering why you think bitcoin is different. sounds like you want to impose redistribution on wallets with “too much”
replied 2267d
“What capitalists do however is bribe politicians in order to corrupt them, so that they defend capitalists interests.” - ED
replied 2267d
"And it is exactly these kinds of people who have used this system, and previous ones, all of which are exploitative also, to enrich themselves, then use that wealth to fuck us over."
replied 2267d
You have argued that all throughout history the rich (those with “too much”) have made rules to benefit themselves. How will this time be different?