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replied 2346d
think you're right ledger doesn't support it (community wishes it would & address converters seem simple?). afaik trezor doesn't support it either.
replied 2345d
trezor has cash address support, only cash address; they link to an external tool to force you to convert a legacy address to a cash address
replied 2345d
They still are openly pro BTC, but more than a year later there's no point in refusing to implement it..
replied 2344d
what I'm thinking too. the converter seems like a simple bit of code. you're right their new ledger live is amazing. wish they were more pro BCH. :,(
En Fri Mand
replied 2346d
Just use Electron Cash with your Ledger.
replied 2345d
Sure, but their ledger live software is so much cleaner, its a shame really