Create account

replied 2176d
We implemented it on our site without any trouble :)
replied 2176d
Unfortunately it doesn't work though:
I wanted to send you a tip and got this:

"Compatibility problem
For security reasons, Money Button doesn't work under http."
replied 2176d
Oh, thanks. Do you know if the problem is on our side, or on the moneybutton side? We copied and inserted the HTML code as Moneybutton instructs
replied 2176d
Looks like it's throwing an error as your site doesn't have HTTPS so Moneybutton doesn't see it as a secure connection.
replied 2176d
Thanks, we'll work on that. Cheers!
replied 2174d
It is working, not sure why the site is not showing https to you. It does to us, and we have received two tips now upon checking our balance - nothing changed since you attempted
replied 2173d
Hey, yeah I do now see a valid certificate on your site! How long ago did you purchase your SSL cert? Your host could have simply just taken a little time to get things in order.
replied 2173d
Could be that! Thanks for your help
replied 2176d
I'm guessing it's because the money button only works with https