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replied 2341d
IMO theres no point in relationships anymore b/c everyone has a phone and gets hit up 1000 times a day,2many options/easy to cheat.hook ups have never been easier though :))))))
replied 2340d
If the only reason you have relationships is sex I feel sorry for you. Loving relationships can be deeply rewarding, built on mutual trust, and healthy interdependence.
replied 2340d
lol, I dont need a relationship to have sex...the last1 was sabotaging the birth control,the1 b4 was nagging me about getting married,b4 her too clingy,b4 that wouldnt shut up...
replied 2339d
When you have a problem with everyone then you may actually be the one who is the problem 😬
replied 2339d
So,not to b an ass but from my pov its like when christians found a pagan civilization and thought they had a problem b/c they didnt care about jesus...see what im saying?
replied 2339d
Not even a little bit lmao
You say you have had nothing but problems with all your ex’s blaming all the problems only on them. Yet your the common denominator. See what I’m saying?
replied 2339d
I see what youre sayin,I'm the problem b/c I get claustrophobic...what Im sayin is that everybody doesnt want/need relationships.Im happy just screwin around so I have no problem
replied 2338d
All good. To each their own.
I wasn’t trying to be a dick for the record. Sometimes we don’t realize when we are being our own worst enemy.
replied 2338d
No worries, I like having a good conversation where people disagree with me :)
replied 2338d
That’s a good mindset to have.
Hearing and considering opposing viewpoints is where wisdom comes from. 😎👌🏻
replied 2339d
And so goes the learning curve of dating: partners who don’t share your same goals. True friends become the best partners. Friends are people who you can ELEVATE together with.
replied 2340d
...bipolar, bad taste in music and played it a lot, crazy jealous, jealous...obsessed with me...nagging...controling...chainged her hair and gained weight...I dont need the aggravation
replied 2341d
There is if you're doing open relationships.
The Ethical Slut -
That way you're not going against your biology.
Sex At Dawn -