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replied 2411d
Sk8eM dUb
What you need is a nucleus of individuals around which such a society and culture can grow and which cannot be easily disrupted. Historically, the state always acts to disrupt this /1
replied 2411d
History is not a good indicator of the future when exponentials are involved.
replied 2411d
kowloon walled city had a good run. heard people were cramming in there despite the conditions.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2411d
I see a lot of ancaps using "the state" as an ill-defined slur, much like you'll get a Marxist screaming about "capitalists" but then it always ends up being the same gangster assholes
replied 2411d
The state is pretty well defined, no? OTOH, socialists always cherry pick what they mean by "capitalist" which always means some billionaire govt. crony, not a wealthy dentist, etc.
replied 2411d
yeah, state is monopoly of violence in a geographic region right?