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Ixion goes back to the Etruscans (at least 500BC), and was the prototype for Satan and Jesus and also analogous to Sisyphus. He was blasted with a thunderbolt for his crimes (speared in the side) and bound to a winged fiery wheel that was always spinning. His crimes were murdering members of his own family and tempting the Queen of Heaven (Venus as a comet) to sin.

Cross-Fixed-Ixion (Cruc-ifixion)

Jesus is described as the Morning Star in Revelation 22:16. Satan is Lucifer (bringer of light), which is also associated with the morning star (Venus). At least part of the asteroid belt is comprised of pieces of Mars that were electrically excavated from this massive canyon. The rest could be pieces of Venus or an unknown exploded planet. After Venus was cast down from its position as Queen of Heaven, it now spins upside down (or backwards) from the other planets and is still the hottest planet (like hell), despite not being the closest to the sun.