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replied 2436d
yeah, dont really know how to do blockchain analysis myself, just heard it's possible. strange transaction. you the one who had the other strange transaction?
replied 2436d
It looks like the effected people are me, @GiggleStick, Mcafee and now this guy and who knows who else.
replied 2436d
I could prob gin up script to scrape all TX of known memo profiles & look for receipt from addr not from other memo addr. Then look at which are "suspicious". Might try if bored later.
replied 2436d
If you decide to do it, let me know if you find anything.
replied 2436d
Probably more affected, but most aren't checking their balances. I just happened to check mine and saw it went up by 1M. Didn't see any tips on memo, so looked directly at blockchain.
replied 2436d
hmm, without more info, guess its just a cool tip! did they all come from the same address?
replied 2436d
They all have a bunch of inputs/outputs. I have no idea to tell from which the coins came from. If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.
replied 2436d
sorry, dont know enough to be helpful. 😔
replied 2436d
Quick, somebody make a fake Maduro or better yet Chavez account.
replied 2436d
I'd appreciate an onion style account, call it something like "la cebolla Maduro" and post propaganda and other "The onion" style posts.
replied 2436d
lol wat?
replied 2436d
Since we're talking about Venezuelan gov persecuting their citizens for posting her, would be fun for non-Venezuelan citizen to make fun of them without repercussion.
replied 2436d
lol like dprk_news on twitter?
replied 2436d
Yeah. Could even have a Topic like r/pyongyang. Maybe "People's Paradise Socialist Venezuela". And they can just tell everyone they are banned when they comment.
replied 2436d