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replied 2056d
ABC is the biggest threat to BTC - with ABC's upgrade BCH will make BTC look like a sad joke.
replied 2056d
Wrong. ABC is the biggest attack on BCH yet. SV is the correct path
replied 2055d
How is improved propagation that benefits all miners an attack?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2055d
Even the correct path can be incorrect when you're shackled for the duration.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2055d
replied 2055d
ABC is introducing dangerous new opcodes.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2055d
Dangerous to whom?
replied 2055d
Dangerous to your coin. Since these new opcodes directly enable oracles, the coin is vulnerable to regulatory attacks. The value of coins is then at stake.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2055d
It is not my coin: it is *our* coin

Enabling oracles does not require their usage: I do not see how an attack on that vector would succeed.

The value of coins is always at stake.
replied 2055d
- Our, yours, mine, same.
- Not that different to how EtherDelta went down and SatoshiDice
- The bigger the danger, the lesser the coin value
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2055d
It is very different. If you send coins to a regulated (read junk) exchange, you may get junk (read regulated) coins back. OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY Et al. enables unregulated exchanges.
replied 2055d
Here you go. I prefer worldwide expansion to constant fights with regulators. Also it brings back the stigma that bitcoin is for illegal activities. This lowers the price. No thanks.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2055d
and *that* is dangerous part.
replied 2055d
Amen, Brother!
replied 2055d
replied 2056d
BTC ALREADY looks like a sad joke compared to BCH as it stands.
replied 2056d
It's a magic circle, the BTC is the most valuable because it has the most hashpower because it's the most valuable, which gives it value - at least in the current market.