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replied 2290d
ABC is keeping the Bitcoin-transaction-history, but its economic & security models are diverging; Ryan X Charles summarised it accurately `ABC is Amaury's pet-project`
replied 2290d
Ryan X Charles??? Who recently said Although his preference was SV, they are so close and couldn't be happier if ABC won? LOL.
replied 2290d
divergence of legal, economic & security models has escalated since he said that; things are different now... Amaury is changing validation-rules more often than socks
replied 2289d
can you be certaint that those rules are actually applied on the network?

Just because a developer writes code, doesn't mean miners automatically validate using it.
replied 2290d
Bullshit. The best thing for his business was no split. now that it happened he picked a side. Just like every other tool in it just for the money
replied 2290d
BCH adoption is so tiny right now that the fork doesn't matter; imo Ryan chose the conservative-side, the one that is likely to survive the incoming ICO collision with the governments