Create account

This is why Memo.Cash will win! Twitter censored me completely, I cant tweet, like, reply, follow or even view new twitter feed. I NEVER used a bot in my life or spammed. BCH PLS :)
replied 2228d
How did this happen?
replied 2228d
I asked twitter what happened and its bs. My account is as secure as it gets and I see no activity other than my own. I complied and so far nothing work
replied 2228d
How do we both have the same user name? Doesn't memo prevent this?
replied 2228d
Set Name is a non-unique display name only. We can't guarantee uniqueness (in a decentral way) except in the BCH address. It's an area for improvement.
replied 2228d
The solution to this is going to involve users rating each other for authenticity.
replied 2202d
Are you the one who wrote the web-of-trust-esque proposal for memo? Big fan of that idea, hope it gets implemented one day.
replied 2202d
Yep, making progress with it, at - recently added blocking, down votes and ratings for users
replied 2202d
Are downvotes needed for the reputation system?
replied 2202d
They are more helpful for weeding out irrelevant or disagreeable posts, but a rep system might draw on any and all info
replied 2202d
My only issue with downvotes is if they affect visibility of posts...
replied 2202d
Well I think the approach of a website like Reddit is to De-emphasise downvoted posts rather than to hide them all together
replied 2202d
btw, i like your suggestions on the Memo UI and improvements on Memo++ - I'd welcome any similar recommendations on improvements for the Member UI.
replied 2228d
How about to add remark name for oneself while following others? It's kind of turning passivity into initiative, to solve it.
replied 2228d
I guess not, I hope at least we can't have the same avatar. I am not sure how memo does it, but I think the persons sign up username should be the memo username but again not sure how
replied 2227d
That would rely on the client, but the memo protocol is decentralized. Probably best method is like with TXs, only the first to set the username is valid (1st on blockchain/timestamp)
replied 2228d
How do you add images? I'm trying to figure it out.
replied 2228d
You must upload the image to imgur and then get the URL by right-clicking the image and open image in new tab. Then you can just copy and paste the URL on :) BCH