There is nothing in space. There are no satellites. If you want to know what transfers all data, phone, television, and radio through the air, it's land-based towers. Towers have been doing this for almost 100 years.
This model is a Joke. According to it days only last 4 hours and nights 20 in Australia. It can't either explain eclipses. How can anyboday believe this nonsense?
All flat earth models are nonsense. The real question is - what if the photos/videos of objects that should be below the curve are real? See "world record for distant photo" for exampl
You said there were no computers in 1969, which is a LIE. You say GPS does not work on ocean or rural areas which is a LIE. You post videos full of LIES. Deal with it, you're a LIAR.
The only place with no gps are indoors, or narrow streets. If you had no GPS in an open place, you just didn't wait enough to the sincronization of SATELLITES' signal.
not trolling. sun disappear because of perspective and atmosphere optic effect. i truly believe we are not in a globe. sorry if you don't like it. there is a lot of people like me now
I showed you many intentional lies of your so beloved charlatans. And instead of rejecting them, you keep repeating their propaganda. That makes you a lier yourself.