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There is nothing in space. There are no satellites. If you want to know what transfers all data, phone, television, and radio through the air, it's land-based towers. Towers have been doing this for almost 100 years.
replied 2464d
Have you ever heard voyage around the world?
replied 2464d
always east to west. that can be done on a circular flat superficie with the north on the center an the soth like a barrier limit
replied 2464d
This model is a Joke. According to it days only last 4 hours and nights 20 in Australia. It can't either explain eclipses. How can anyboday believe this nonsense?
replied 2464d
All flat earth models are nonsense. The real question is - what if the photos/videos of objects that should be below the curve are real? See "world record for distant photo" for exampl
replied 2464d
please see this. you can see how sun change of position and the day and night have diferent duration on different time of the year..
replied 2464d
Much easier, logical, and mathematically reproducible theory:
replied 2464d
and this is why light do this shapes
replied 2464d
In that model you should always be able to see the Sun. I think you're trolling. 🍻
replied 2464d
He already knows that all Flat Earth theories are based on lies, I think he just has this disorder:
replied 2464d
please stop attacking me personally. i just expose what i think. you can put your proof. but please don't insult me.
replied 2464d
You said there were no computers in 1969, which is a LIE. You say GPS does not work on ocean or rural areas which is a LIE. You post videos full of LIES. Deal with it, you're a LIAR.
replied 2464d
i mean PC on 1969, computers was very weak and big at that time, sorry for the misunderstanding, and GPS, i was on pleaces with no GPS. Sorry..
replied 2464d
The only place with no gps are indoors, or narrow streets. If you had no GPS in an open place, you just didn't wait enough to the sincronization of SATELLITES' signal.
replied 2464d
not trolling. sun disappear because of perspective and atmosphere optic effect. i truly believe we are not in a globe. sorry if you don't like it. there is a lot of people like me now
replied 2463d
If so, when you watch sky at night, the sun should be in the north direction and become the brightest star. Have you found such kind of star? Nope!
replied 2464d
"There's a sucker born every minute. "
replied 2464d
I showed you many intentional lies of your so beloved charlatans. And instead of rejecting them, you keep repeating their propaganda. That makes you a lier yourself.
replied 2464d
replied 2464d