1256d · Life path
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1256d · Life path
Hello reader! Have you heard what Imaginary Time is?
Imagine a mirror in front of you. You see a space there, when in fact there is nothing there! And what if we feel the passage of time is also wrong
Remember the theory of relativity, and complex numbers. If this is combined with each other, it turns out that there will be no paradoxes in black holes! This means that time goes in a circle, since it is a complex number. Every time we are born again and die again.
If you want me to explain in more detail, then give me please donate! =)
Satoshi Nakamoto
2388d · 即使没有区块大小之争,BCH团队也会找其他理由分叉比特币,技术之争不是重点,赚黑钱才是他们的目的。
Satoshi Nakamoto
2390d · 即使没有区块大小之争,BCH团队也会找其他理由分叉比特币,技术之争不是重点,赚黑钱才是他们的目的。
2047d · Craig Steven Wright