Now with Greek. 🙂 Сыднэы=Σηδνεη=Sydney (ы=η) ? θ is o in Kazakh, not th. I've placed ыηω as pure vowels. Ideal tricolor pixel width is a multiple of 4.5=3*(1+50%).
G & J in English seem a bit like Greenland vs Iceland (they're named the "wrong" way around). Ĵ is Esperanto for Ж. The equalities are arranged for Q, W & Ye to line up. But others line up too. 🙂 Ч=Ch/Cz Г=G/H Ж=Zh К=K/Q/C/Ch В=V/W E=E/Ye Ф=F/Ph/Th Ш=Sh/Sch Х=Kh/H/J/Ch Ц=Ts/Tz/C/T/Z Т=T/Th з=z/s и=i/s ы=y/s Λ=L θ=th
Actually, I got Э & Е the wrong way around. Also I've included the subsets of vowels & consonants... Unofficially: Е=Ie Ё=Io Ы=Iy Ю=Iu Я=Ia But officially they put 'Y' instead of 'I', etc. 🤔
I got Г & Ж the wrong way around, as well as Й & Ы. Gaps for QWX. 🤔 АБЧДЕФГХИЖКЛМНОП РСТУВ ЙЗЭЁ Ю Я ЫЦ ШЩ ЬЪ ABČDEFGHIJKLMNOP RSTUV YZEYoYuYaYTsŠŠčʹʺ абчдефгхижклмноп рстув йзэё ю я ыц шщ ьъ abčdefghijklmnop rstuv yzeyoyuyaytsššč'" E=Ye/E Ф=F/Th Х=Kh/H Ж=Zh Ы=Y/Iy | Λ=L θ=th
English gives: (AEIOU) (LMNRWY PB TD KG ČJ FV SZ H Q X) 26=(5)+(6+13+2)=(5) vowels + (6 + 13 duals + 2 doubles) consonants
ČG & KJ look, order & pronounce like duals at a symbolic level, but it's actually KG & ČJ! In theory 10 (precise) vowels can be written U u O o a A e E I i Russian's missing 'ng' & 'th'. The italics are for cursive. Й is like the semi-vowel limit of Иии...
As a Kiwi myself, the accepted translation is "Киви" when it sho...
Oops, I got Ы wrong - it's just Y. 😟 АБЧДЕФЖХИГКЛМНОПРСТУВЫЗЭЁ Ю Я Й Ц ШЩ ЬЪ ABČDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVYZEYoYuYaIyTsŠŠčʹʺ абчдефжхигклмнопрстувызэё ю я й ц шщ ьъ abčdefghijklmnoprstuvyzeyoyuyaiytsšščʹʺ
Consolas font, with little italics. Λ shows up in Ukraine (clearer than Л). θ was removed after revolution. ь may be like a vowel placeholder. Гаага=Гаагe=Гааги=Гааго=Гаагу=Гааг=The Hague 🤔
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