Humanist - let's find a way to support each other, not tear each other down. Immutable communication will make us all stronger. Loves - Vinyl Records, Smash Melee, Zucchini Hates - Humidity, Allergies, Plastic Wrap
Coin is a wonderful carrot; just be sure that you're reinforcing the behavior you wish to see when hanging it out there. Reinforcing spammy behavior will result in more of the same.
I wouldn't expect many people to tip spammy or trolly posts, but it's fine for that kind of content to be posted if our goal is to max out a block. More positive content = more tipping
Why is it such a bad idea? 'trolls' and 'spam' are just as relevant to a #MountMemo finish as other types of content. Maybe worth being cautious of people getting a bad impression.
P2P application of crypto is similar to automation in the work force- there is capitalistic incentive to use the tech. That plus honey badger should mean it takes over.
Deflationary currency we can use as a base for bartering is definitely best, and even better if it operates independently of actors who'd rather silence than empower.
Thanks!! The first thing that pops into my head is a version of Never Ending Reddit, a feature of RES. It's a quality of life thing that will be more useful as there are more topics.
That was easier than I thought. Will push a new update soon.
There are a couple cryptos out there touting UBI. SwiftDemand Mannabase.
Awesome! Just sent in my idea! We need a platform for betting on sport, games, and everything else. I'm sure others besides myself can see the huge vacuum that app represents.
If a universal income is established post-automation, will it will lead to more tyranny and oppression since more people are dependent on the government to get by?
Thanks! If you have any suggestions for features, let me know. I made it for myself mainly, but who knows if others may benefit.
Thanks!! The first thing that pops into my head is a version of Never Ending Reddit, a feature of RES. It's a quality of life thing that will be more useful as there are more topics.
Yes, they do. General public certainly think immutability on social media is negative. There is a big initiative in EU, to push for a law for 'the right to be forgotten' on Internet.
Seems like a fallacy to me, even editing or deleting on today's internet is only user facing. Big Corp still has the cards. I am American and am not familiar with that, interesting.
How did you embed the video? I posted a link to Vimeo and the video didn’t appear. Does it only work for YouTube?
I didn't do anything special, just copied and pasted the URL. Embed may only be supported for some sites at this time. Can we tag users? @eric @modulus maybe others would know better.
He's cornered the market. Now, for all of time, humanity can look back and see this is the moment where the music scene's erotic stranglehold was brought to light.
We are and I'm okay with it. Things are going to look much different in another few years. People need time to learn, perceived value of last few years has all come from greedy traders.