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saved 1205d
Or a vagina fart.
saved 1205d
noise.cash looks complimentary to Twetch. Looks kinda cool. What's the hook?
saved 1205d
wtf is an in wallet phishing scam? does Electrum have instant messaging too to add to its list of "features"?
saved 1205d
Look at you go bones! and thank you for the warm welcome back.
saved 1205d
saved 1206d
And I just violated my own rule of only using the word 'folks' when referring to parents. Guh! Where's the edit button?
saved 1206d
I think @14519 might be onto something here folks. Put down your pitchforks aimed at other camps and get off Twitter (brownfield). "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it".
saved 1206d
I like $NIO and $FSR
saved 1206d
My views of church changed pretty radically once I started "serving" at church. But what do you expect? They're still humans.
saved 1206d
also check out https://streamanity.com/ to host your content....
saved 1206d
Long video. Remember, you have very little time to grab the clicker's attention. I like the title, and branched it for you for some more exposure.
saved 1206d
saved 1206d
saved 1208d
Hi Karena, what's new with you?
saved 1208d
You think it'd be like Moses parting the Red Sea? Lead us to the promised land? And all he has to do is sign? Betamax/VHS? Novell NetWare/WindowsNT? The best doesn't always win because it's better. And frankly, I think Ethereum should be # 1 on CMC rn :/
saved 1208d
I agree, the squabbles are just a distraction from the primary objective. Which is world domination.

And I think that we've already attracted the userbase that cares about data immutability. I haven't seen a "first" post in 3 hours. We are a minority.
saved 1208d
I don't think that moving coins would have the intended effect. Or the effect I think you hope for. In fact, it'd probably have the complete opposite effect.

Question: Why haven't we seen development on BSV independent of the Craig/Calvin show?
saved 1208d
I, for one, am tired of everyone running around saying "BSV is Bitcoin". If XRP, or BNB hasn't proven that people don't give a rip about decentralization or "taking back your data" (immutability), then why would they suddenly care about BSV being Bitcoin?
saved 1208d
I didn't hear that necessarily. And Arthur claiming victory (or our defeat) is preposterous. But if we're to get anywhere in the "enterprise", we'll need to put down our pitchforks and pick up some shovels.
saved 1208d
Change is difficult for some. But rebranding BSV makes a shit ton of sense to me. It might lead to less toxicity and some of the pipe dream bullshit that has plagued us thus far.
saved 1208d
You can’t change the world. But you can change the facts. And when you change the facts, you change points of view. If you change points of view. You may change a vote. And when you change a vote, you may change the world.
saved 1208d
Sprinkle some fresh blood and content that makes it "sticky". It seems like we're not doing a good enough job engaging and retaining new users.

Question: What makes people want to come back to Twetch after their "first" post?
saved 1208d
It's a terrible hang-up of mine. I know that most people say it to either add validity/emphasis to what they're saying or as a space filler while they think of what to say... which, can I be honest? honestly... it bugs the crap out of me. :-}
saved 1208d
@55191 welcome back!
saved 1208d
Whenever someone speaks, and starts by saying "Honestly," or "I'm not going to like" - I always wonder what they were doing before they said that. Lying? I have issues.