
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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From this interview I learned that DSV is non reversible.
CTOR is, although will take some work to revert.

I also realised how precious #bitcoin(cash) is.
So butthurt spicebois are mobbing Jeepney because they choose BSV and demanding their micro donations back. What a bunch of pathetic losers. You can be voluntaryst as long as you choose what we want.
It would be nice to come to memo and for once 80% of posts would not be kukis communist crap.
replied 2078d
Genocidal degenerates
replied 2078d
replied 2078d
Hi Chris. You lost your tinfoil?
Tartar schnitzel
replied 2078d
Uuuh... ain't you a tough cookie
replied 2078d
Better split chain support is planned
Hello World from memo app
replied 2079d
Yes, we plan to add more wallet features
unfollowed 2078d
2079d · memo
I'm happy to announce the release of Memo mobile app for Android! (iOS coming soon)
replied 2078d
Not even close.
replied 2078d
Great. This cryptofraud industry needs to burn so bitcoin can rise from the ashes again.
replied 2078d
Someone trying to remain anonymous can't sue anybody. Your question is dumb and proves nothing.
replied 2078d
You are champs in spreading lies and propaganda though.
replied 2078d
Nothing. He is a sore loser.
replied 2078d
Rogy the anarchist thinks he is above the law.
replied 2078d
MoneyButton funding would be cool!
replied 2078d
Great! Need to try it!