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saved 1312d
saved 1312d
Log into twetch.

See there’s a new market tab.

Scroll through some insanely expensive imaginary hats.

Gonna think about it for a bit.
saved 1322d
I thought that’s how you fight diabetes
saved 1325d
I kid you not,

This evening when I told my son he looks strong, he told me that he only medium flexes in the evenings and he maximum flexes around lunchtime. He’s 5 years old.

Wow. What does this mean?
saved 1325d
Now that we printed all the money we needed to prop up the system a little bit longer and pass on that cost as inflation, while boosting our agenda, I think we should maybe consider tempering this covid panic show before the jig is up.
saved 1325d
He cited...four endemic coronaviruses that are known to cause the common cold.
"We have learned to live with all of these infections...”
saved 1330d
I stayed up last night troubled by thoughts that there could be war somewhere within the next 20 years. A draft could be enacted. I‘ll have adult children by then. As a family, we will do all we can to steward the world away from that trajectory.
saved 1330d
It could. The only way to prevent that from happening is for people to take action and stop expecting others to take action for them. Being risk averse, lazy and complacent is certain death, but fortunately those states of being aren’t sustainable.
saved 1344d
saved 1344d
saved 1345d
“Look how effortlessly I can afford to meet irrational, nonscientific criteria. How dare you middle class folks complain. You don’t hear the peons complaining, oh wait....that’s weird, they’re all dead.”
saved 1345d
Anyone sharing propaganda about affording 2 week quarantine on a luxurious vacay is basically saying IDGAF about poor people dying from economic devastation caused by hysterical overreaction to a flu.

Your virtue signal perpetuates evil.
saved 1348d
Socialists: We’re going to destroy as many small business as we can.

Me: I’m going to open as many small businesses as I can. Mwahahaha! I’m having so much fun.
saved 1348d
saved 1349d

Great clip. David Martin nails it. It’s not a vaccine, it’s a therapy.
saved 1352d
Everyone gets their panties in a bunch over the Capitol “riot” because they forgot what a real revolutionary event looks like. So weak.
saved 1352d
The Sons of Liberty would’ve been banned by MB too.
saved 1352d
Should we do something?
- No, just wait, someone else is on it.
saved 1356d
Someone told me to ditch Amazon Prime because they‘re banning Parler. That’s dumb af.
The web as we know it is all just a tragedy of the commons. FB, Gab, Signal, all of it.

A bunch of wasteful screaming into the void. Put it on bitcoin or shut up.
saved 1362d
If we just let protestors into the capitol building, blame them on invading, then we have a perfect scapegoat for why we couldn’t do our job.
saved 1362d
‘Member guys?
saved 1362d
Right. There was no doubt in my mind about Pence being DS. I still don’t totally know if Trump is on our side (speech behind bp glass convincing though), but he’s probably alone in a sea of DS politicians. This has been over 100 years in the making.
saved 1362d
Yeah I’m still suspecting whole entire thing could be theater. No real effort to keep protestors out, since the infiltration delays action on determining voter fraud. Deep state is likely cool w/all this. They can always manipulate it to their advantage.
saved 1362d
That’s why this needs to stay peaceful. Protestors stay in peaceful control of the Capitol building.
saved 1362d
Today turned out to be much more impressive than the nothing burger I was expecting. I hope peaceful patriots keep control of the Capitol building until the deep state can’t hide themselves anymore.