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saved 1362d
The media would never put up pictures of the swaths of regular Americans protesting. Those dudes are plants for propaganda photo-ops and to convince the public that this is all a joke.
saved 1366d
Anyone else find it odd that YouTube never banned those Giuliani videos with the laptop leaks and cigar ads? Almost like they wanted us to see it.
saved 1366d
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” – Plato
saved 1368d
Very rational point of view and Z-score analysis on the “pandemic”.


All I can say, is it’s raw human nature to panic, but great philosophers have taught us better. Let’s harness more of that.
saved 1368d
Agree 💯. If you didn’t grow this year, you lost. Challenges always bring opportunity. Always.

saved 1379d
The irony of the term “humanist”.
saved 1379d
Also, a noticeable increase in “green certified” building is another clue that mysterious grant money is being funneling into town from NGOs. Ask where that money comes from and what strings are attached.
saved 1379d
If you want to discern whether your town has been infiltrated by UN Agenda 21/2030, simply look at the artwork on the streets. If nothing is historical in nature and it’s a bunch of abstract art, then you’ve been penetrated.
saved 1386d
Quick! Everyone to Solvang, CA!!
Open for business! Finally, pushback against oppression! Stay at the Landsby Inn. Best place in town. Support those patriots!

saved 1387d
saved 1387d
Back in my day......
saved 1388d
Giving SCoTUS the benefit of doubt, they may have thrown out TX suit (and others) because they are discreetly ensuring that the suit they hear and rule on is undeniable and it can overcome hysterically divisive propaganda attempts to split up the USA.
saved 1391d
I see pharma want to vaccinate the elderly and the income deprived as a priority. So, I’m sure only the best intentions there....🙄
And they wanna ASAP vax and wipe out all their indoctrinated doctors. That might actually backfire on them.
saved 1394d
Me: Kids, what would you like for Christmas?

5 yr old son: An hydraulic press and hydrophobic coating!!

7 yr old daughter: A robotic arm!

Me: 🤔 I see. I’ll do what I can.
saved 1394d
In America they’re called “car accidents”. In other countries they’re called “car bombs”.
saved 1395d
Just heard unused CARES money can be repurposed to fund police. This is a slippery slope to tyranny. Once police no longer are incentivized to defend the public that funds them, they will enforce measures against the will of the public.
saved 1395d
Does anyone know if there is a single politician on earth who has died of covid?
saved 1398d
I felt eyes burning into my back as I was cooking bacon. I turned and saw this.
saved 1398d
Your voice is loudest at the local level.

You are a pittance nationally and a drop of water in the sea of global governance. Once you realize this, you’ll know where to focus your efforts and attention.

It’s always been a small world.
saved 1403d
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
May we have eternal gratitude for the priceless gift of liberty that was given to us by our forefathers.

This year is our wake up call, our reminder:
saved 1403d
I suspect the dying experience varies from person to person and based on what they’re dying from. Possibly something more urgent, like an accident would’ve created an out of body experience. I just gradually faded until I felt done.
saved 1403d
I had high fevers for weeks. I’d pass out, wake up later. Wasted away. I didn’t have out of body experience, but at the end, I felt like I wanted to close my eyes and let go. I didn’t care when we were at the hospital, just kept trying to close my eyes.
saved 1404d
I almost died of pneumonia & sepsis. It gets eerily peaceful at the end. I started thanking my parents for being wonderful, told them they did a great job. Then they rushed me to the hospital. Doctor was furious. Hospitalized for a week. Long recovery.
saved 1404d
Huh, can’t seem to find the button to report you for challenging the narrative. Such twetchery.
saved 1405d
Sure, I can see that being the case.