Jan Aagaard

Joined Apr 21, 2018

Copenhagen, Denmark

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replied 2086d
Yeah, it is pretty rare that it is solvable. I want to include a of level selector, but don’t hold your your breath waiting for one. 🙂
replied 2086d
replied 2087d
Finally got it out for Android too. There is an issue with the font, but the game works.
replied 2087d
What would I use these tokens for? I think it would be nice with a short list of use cases to hell explain the feature.
replied 2088d
How does this compare to other coins?
replied 2095d
I will get it published to Android too. It's written in React Native, so it should would on both platforms pretty much out of the box.
I finally published my first little game for iOS. https://itunes.apple.com/dk/app/desert-walk-solitaire/id1464386586
replied 2106d
Just trying to understand how big a scam it was.
replied 2106d
But wasn’t this information readily available? It’s a public ledger, no?
replied 2106d
Ja, det er jeg. :-)
replied 2108d
This is also really good news for BCH Spenders. 😉
replied 2116d
Restoring the scroll position doesn’t always work when JavaScript is used to render a page. I am not a fan of single page apps because they often break these subtle features.
replied 2116d
Simon Van Gelder
Good point.

When you navigate back, the browser restores the scroll position on the page you left, so this would also be the UX with full page reloads.
replied 2116d
Simon Van Gelder
... But I guess I'm in the minority, so I should probably hope for an API instead. :-)
replied 2116d
Simon Van Gelder
I believe pop-ups got popular because websites got heavy and slow, and they were a way to avoid reloading pages. Memo's minimalistic interface should be fast enough to allow reloads.
replied 2117d
Open source. https://github.com/memocash/memo seems pretty dead.
replied 2117d
replied 2117d
More affordable UI. Example: It doesn't make much sense that clicking on the timestamp links to the post.
replied 2117d
A UI without popups.
@memo: It there an API for Memo.cash? And if not, it is planned to create one?
replied 2311d
I think they should differentiate themselves from Twitter and make a more geek friendly UI. Suggestion: Don't use JavaScript, and build something that could run in Mosaic.
replied 2316d
I think it would be nice with some example searches on the front page. If you want to keep it clean, you could show one at random from a pool of good examples.
replied 2347d
replied 2357d
Changing the URL like Twitter does would help, but to me it seems better to load a new page. Keep the pages simple so that they load fast. You are doing an excellent job at this.
replied 2357d
I am okay with modals as long as they are small ones with yes/no buttons or something similar. Big ones belong to the desktop experience. :)