
Joined Dec 17, 2021

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saved 1342d
He was the first communist, because he was only "talking" and when he actually "did something" it was a miracle 😉
saved 1342d
And I hope that the seed of Francis grows in many hearts.

Papa Francesco!

You know who was first declared a saint in the church?

A prisoner.

He was sentenced to death next to Christ, who told him:

"Today you will be with me in paradise!"
saved 1344d
saved 1345d
A man of such patience and understanding

then transforms into a man of dialogue.

Something I want to point out about dialogue,

of which Francis had a lot.

And I'll say it in very simple words:

He was the apostle of the ear.

Knowing how to listen!
saved 1345d
His poverty, 'Sister Poverty'.

His love of the poor and the sick, and his care for them.

His patience with people and with their frailty, including the frailty of his brothers and disciples.
saved 1346d
Praised be you, my Lord, through Sister Water,
which is very useful and humble and precious
and chaste.

Praised be you, my Lord, through Brother Fire,
through whom you light the night...

and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.
saved 1346d
saved 1347d
Praised be you, my Lord, through Brother Wind...

and through the air cloudy and serene

and every kind of weather through which

you give sustenance to your creatures.
saved 1348d
saved 1348d
Saint Francis wrote the first poem in the Italian language.

In his

"Canticle of the... Sun"

he praised God through all creation.

"Most High, all-powerful, good Lord,
yours are the praises, the glory...
the honor and all blessings.
saved 1348d
He realized very early on that humanity's relationship to nature
was getting out of balance, that we were, well, we are still...

today looking at our planet upside down,

as its masters, not its caretakers.
saved 1348d
The unison and solidarity of all humanity before God.

As well as our harmony with nature, with.

"Sister Mother Earth",
as he named her so tenderly...

Saint Francis was a visionary in his time.
saved 1349d
But the government, allowed that to happen!

So, do I resist fighting the law that allowed it?

I'm protecting a greater good!

The health of that population and the overall good of

The common good, that's what Saint Francis had in mind.
saved 1349d
I think for instance of water, contaminated by mining activities
that spill arsenic and cyanide, just an example.

All this to the effect that the surrounding area,
for kilometers, offers its population water that caused diseases.
saved 1350d
The 'law of nature', if we call it that, says that the world
should live in harmony, that all things should be in harmony,
the entire creation.

So things that go against this harmony of creation are bad!
saved 1351d
Lady Pumphampton’s gentleman friend had come to tea so she gave her maid a large tip and said,
“Here, take this. When you hear me scream for help, you may leave
for the day.”
saved 1351d
saved 1351d
I’m inviting my FOLLOWERS (old and new) to reply to THIS POST with their $handles 🙂
saved 1352d
These phenomena correspond to today's widespread
and quietly growing 'culture of waste'.

This is a shame for each and every one of us!

And we are all responsible!

No one can say:

"I have nothing to do with this."

We're all responsible.
saved 1352d
The poorest are the ones who suffer most from the attacks
for three serious reasons:

they are discarded by society, forced at the same time to live on the leftovers, and have to suffer unjustly from the abuse of the
saved 1352d
In all religions the environment is a fundamental good.

Its abuse and destruction, however,

are accompanied by a continuous process of exclusion.
saved 1353d
We are all called upon, ... all of us, to create culture. But when someone feels that he owns this culture..., the temptation arises to go further, and destroy the culture. Think of the feat of the discovery of nuclear
energy; and think of Hiroshima.
saved 1353d
saved 1355d
BSV is the light in the dark 🙂
saved 1357d